Hands-on Gauntlt: Security Testing for Developers (The Book + Code Samples)
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Hands-on Gauntlt: Security Testing for Developers

About the Book

Hands-on Gauntlt helps you--as the gauntlt motto goes, "be mean to your code"--early in the development cycle. The book focuses on a series of 17 exercises that will get you writting gauntlt attacks for the next project you work on.

About the Author

James Wickett
James Wickett

James got his start in technology when he ran a Web startup company as a student in college and since then has worked in environments ranging from large, web-scale enterprises to small, rapid-growth startups. As a Senior DevOps Engineer, James is currently working in a startup-like team building cloud-based products for the Embedded Software Division of Mentor Graphics (http://mentor.com). James is a dynamic speaker on topics in DevOps, cloud computing, cloud security, security testing and Rugged DevOps.

He is a core contributor to the Gauntlt project (http://gauntlt.org) and is a supporter of the Rugged Software movement. James is the creator and founder of the Lonestar Application Security Conference which is the largest annual security conference in Austin, TX. He volunteers as one of the chapter leaders for the OWASP Austin chapter (http://austin.owasp.org) and he holds the following security certifications: CISSP, GWAPT, GCFW, GSEC and CCSK and he serves on the GIAC Advisory Board.


The Book

The book without the code samples.

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  • English

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The Book + Code Samples

The book plus all the code samples used in the book.

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  • English

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Gauntlt
    • Rugged Software Philosophy
  • Setting up the Lab
    • Download the box
    • Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
    • Set up a working directory
    • Start up the box
    • Sync the Code Examples
  • Hello World
    • Intro to Tags
    • Now Introducing Feature
    • The Scenario
    • Given, When, Then
    • Run gauntlt
  • Port checking with nmap
    • Install nmap
    • Port check
    • Profiles
    • Lets get to parsing

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