GRAILS 3 - Step By Step
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GRAILS 3 - Step By Step

Greenfield applications made right with Grails 3

About the Book

A practical book about Grails 3 full stack framework! 

We try to describe here how a complete greenfield application can be implemented with Grails 3 in a fast way using profiles and plugins - and we do this in the sample application that accompanies this book. You can find news about this book on its presentation site located here: This book is not a replacement of the [Grails 3 Reference Documentation]( which is a complete description of [Grails 3](, made by the creators of the framework.

The source code used in this book is part of this sample application which is a free project hosted on GitHub on this location: If a source code fragment is included in this book, then it is taken from this project. We use BDD or other specification by example techniques for describing the sample application specification - the leaving documentation for the project can be found here: The application code is tested in a TDD style using automated unit, integration and functional tests. 

The sample application is based on a multi project Gradle build so the application can be automatically built using Gradle - the build tool used by Grails 3. The web application is available here: The admin application is available online here: The deployment is done automatically to AWS cloud in a Continuous Deployment style using Jenkins. 

We use links to various external resources in this book (you will see them in the page’s footers), because this book is intended to be in electronic format from the beginning. The reader can use these links for consulting external references in an easy way.

The book has two parts. 

First part - Grails 3 Essentials

An introduction to application development with Grails 3; we describe the main application that will be implemented in the second part of the book

**Chapter 1** is an introduction to the framework. You will find here some history of the framework and a lot of links to the Grails resources; it is presenting the classical three layered architecture for a web application provided by Grails 3

**Chapter 2** describes how to start your work with Grails 3 framework and how to install all the tools for a free working environment - free as much as possible because you have to pay some money for the best tools on the market

**Chapter 3** presents the project we want to implement as an example; it is presenting also the way we choose to work on implementing the sample application, based on BDD, TDD, CI and CD; it shows how the main application is split into multiple parts based on Grails 3 profiles

Second part - Practical example with Grails 3

A practical implementation of a greenfield application with Grails 3; the application is composed of multiple parts corresponding to various Grails 3 profiles

**Chapter 4** describes the implementation of the application admin portal that will be used in Intranet by the site administrators, based on a classical Grails 3 Web Profile

**Chapter 5** describes the implementation of the application site exposed to the Internet to the customers, that is based on Grails 3 Angular Profile 

**Chapter 6** describes a REST web API exposed with Grails 3 Rest Profile and consumed by a mobile hybrid application created with Ionic 2 (can be published in Google Play, Apple Store, and Windows Store)

**Chapter 7** describes a Microservice developed with Grails 3 Rest API Profile

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About the Editor

Cristian Olaru
Cristian Olaru

15+ years of experience with Java/JEE

Experience with Core Java and both Spring Framework and classical Java EE with EJB

About the Contributors

Chris Malan
Chris Malan


Radu Zugravu
Radu Zugravu


Table of Contents

    • How this book is organized
      • First part - Grails 3 Essentials
      • Second part - Practical example with Grails 3
  • PART 1 - Grails 3 Essentials
    • 1. Introduction to Grails 3
      • 1.1 Some history
        • 1.1.1 Java history
        • 1.1.2 Java EE history
        • 1.1.3 Spring history
        • 1.1.4 Groovy history
        • 1.1.5 Grails history
      • 1.2 Grails application architecture
        • 1.2.1 A classical layered architecture
      • 1.3 New technologies inside Grails 3
        • 1.3.1 Spring Boot
        • 1.3.2 Gradle
        • 1.3.3 Gorm
        • 1.3.4 LogBack
      • 1.4 Modularity aspects of Grails
        • 1.4.1 Plugins
        • 1.4.2 Profiles
    • 2. Set your free working environment
      • 2.1 Install Java SDK
      • 2.2 Install Grails 3
      • 2.3 Start a muti-build Grails 3 project
      • 2.4 IDE support for Grails 3
      • 2.5 Add a plugin to the multi-build project
      • 2.6 Sandbox for Groovy
      • 2.7 Source control with Git
      • 2.8 Deployment in AWS Cloud
      • 2.9 Continuous Delivery with Jenkins
    • 3. A greenfield project and a way of working
      • 3.1 Structuring the project
      • 3.2 A way of specifying application requirements
      • 3.3 Main techniques used in the sample project
        • 3.3.1 TDD
        • 3.3.2 BDD
        • 3.3.3 DDD
        • 3.3.4 Clean Code
        • 3.3.5 Lean Startup
      • 3.4 A greenfield application specification
        • 3.4.1 Admin application
        • 3.4.2 Web application
        • 3.4.3 Microservice
        • 3.4.4 Features to be implemented
  • PART 2 - Practical example with Grails 3
    • 4. The Admin Portal - Web Profile
      • 4.1 Specification for the admin portal
      • 4.2 Security
        • 4.2.1 Grails 3 security
        • 4.2.2 Spring Security Core plugin
        • 4.2.3 Advanced Grails security
        • 4.2.4 Spring Security AppInfo plugin
      • 4.3 Modeling the domain
        • 4.3.1 Domain entities
        • 4.3.2 Relationships between entities
        • 4.3.3 Modeling with TDD
      • 4.4 UI Scaffolding
        • 4.4.1 Scaffolding plugin
        • 4.4.2 Fields plugin
      • 4.5 Persistence
        • 4.5.1 Populate the database at bootstrap
        • 4.5.2 Configuring data sources
        • 4.5.3 Production database with AWS RDS
      • 4.6 To do list
    • 5. A Web Rich Client - Angular Profile
      • 5.1 Specification for the web application
      • 5.2 Server side
        • 5.2.1 Domain module
        • 5.2.2 The REST API
        • 5.2.3 Security
      • 5.3 Client side
        • 5.3.1 Introduction in AngularJS framework
        • 5.3.2 Scaffolding the client side
        • 5.3.3 Introducing the new style
        • 5.3.4 Asset pipeline plugin
      • 5.4 Production ready
        • 5.4.1 Buy and host your domain on Elastic Beanstalk
        • 5.4.2 S3 alternative for hosting your client app
        • 5.4.3 Add HTTPS support
        • 5.4.4 SEO - Search Engine Optimization
        • 5.4.5 Analytics
      • 5.5 To do list
    • 6. The Mobile Application - Rest API Profile
      • 6.1 About this chapter content
      • 6.2 Introduction to Ionic 2 and Hybrid Mobile Applications
        • 6.2.1 Install Ionic 2
        • 6.2.2 Generate client app
        • 6.2.3 Angular 2
        • 6.2.4 Cordova
        • 6.2.5 Ionic Native
      • 6.3 Rest API
        • 6.3.1 From verbs to nouns
        • 6.3.2 Swagger specification
        • 6.3.3 REST Security on the server side
        • 6.3.4 REST Security on the client side
      • 6.4 To the app store
        • 6.4.1 Google Play Store
        • 6.4.2 Apple App Store
        • 6.4.3 Windows App Store
      • 6.5 To do list
    • 7. Microservice - Rest API Profile
      • 7.1 About this chapter content
      • 7.2 Introduction to microservices
      • 7.3 Scheduling a job with Quartz
      • 7.4 Expose a REST service
      • 7.5 Starting the microservice
      • 7.6 Microservice security
      • 7.7 To do list
    • Bibliography

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