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About the Book
This version of the book is complete. However, we look forward to your comments to prepare for the possibility of an updated second edition! Written by authors with widely different cultural backgrounds, Governance From Below will stretch your thinking. It calls on everyone to think about new ways of governance that address issues at every scale from small neighborhoods to the whole earth. Involvement of children is key. The book introduces “mutual leadership,” a new concept in which children and adults strongly complement each other's capacities to enjoy living in harmony with others.
About the Authors
Born and educated in Cameroon, Alphonse Mekolo received an MS in Public Management from Quebec University, Canada; directed the Advanced Public Management Institute, Cameroon; then worked for the United Nations for 20 years as senior adviser in governance systems and public administration around the world. He founded the MEKALFONE Group Engineering Governance (MEG & Partners).
Born and educated in the United States, John Buck, MA in quantitative sociology from George Washington University, USA, managed federal government and corporate information technology programs. Author of two books on advanced governance methods, he co-founded GovernanceAlive LLC.