Go Faster (Professional)
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Go Faster

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About the Book

Go Faster is a book for those wanting to learn the Golang programming language. Though many great books have been published on this subject with the same aim, Go Faster takes a slightly different approach.

For starters, it recognises that Go is a relatively simple language with just 25 keywords and that most developers do not struggle to learn its limited syntax.

It acknowledges that most readers will be able to set up a Golang development environment using one of the operating system-specific binaries, without needing detailed instruction.

It recognises that most readers will have a basic level of programming knowledge already - possibly even prior experience with Go - but that that knowledge may differ, depending on their route into programming and the languages they have used.

The examples in Go Faster are simple by design. There are no real-world or useful applications, instead, all the non-essential code is stripped away to help the user see the principles being demonstrated and grasp the concepts.

Go Faster is designed to assist developers coming from object-oriented programming. It elaborates in areas which can confuse since the Go programming paradigm is different than that of OOP. And like Go itself, Go Faster is opinionated with its semantics.

The book also covers features which are relatively new to the language. Features that many developers, even experienced ones, may not yet be familiar with, and many existing texts may not yet explore, such as Generics and Workspaces.

Finally, Go Faster reflects the author's own journey learning Go and is laid out accordingly. Not as an A-to-Z style reference, but in a way that should enable understanding earlier, laying solid building blocks on which the reader can progress.

If the author was learning Go again, this is the way they would structure their learning path, and hopefully, it is this structure which helps users at all levels gain a solid understanding of Go, quickly.

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About the Author

Ollie Phillips
Ollie Phillips

Ollie Phillips is a Software Developer based in the United Kingdom.

Over the previous 8 years he has worked with Go in various domains including Finance, Health, Learning Management and Cloud Automation. Most recently he was building tooling in Go for the *Morpheus Cloud Management Platform*.



For the students, or those just starting their software development careers!

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • About this book
  • About the Author
  • Before you begin
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to Go
    • 1.1 Why Go?
    • 1.2 Language semantics
    • 1.3 Visibility
    • 1.4 Comments and documentation
  • Chapter 2 - The Go command line interface (CLI)
    • 2.1 Version information
    • 2.2 Environment information
    • 2.3 Module and workspace management
    • 2.4 Format your code
    • 2.5 Testing
    • 2.6 Cleanup
    • 2.7 Downloading packages
    • 2.8 Running a program
    • 2.9 Building your program
    • 2.10 Building for other operating systems and architectures
  • Chapter 3 - Structure of a Go program
    • 3.1 Packages and importing
    • 3.2 Main and Init functions
    • 3.3 Developing a package
  • Chapter 4 - Project organisation
    • 4.1 The internal folder
    • 4.2 The cmd folder
    • 4.3 The pkg folder
    • 4.4 Wrapping it up
  • Chapter 5 - Dependency management
    • 5.1 Modules
    • 5.2 Workspaces
    • 5.3 Vendoring
  • Chapter 6 - Variables and constants
    • 6.1 Variables
    • 6.2 Constants
    • 6.3 Scope
    • 6.4 Variable semantics. Pointers and values
    • 6.5 Value initialisation
  • Chapter 7 - Data types
    • 7.1 Basic types
    • 7.2 Aggregate types
    • 7.3 Reference types
    • 7.4 Interface types
    • 7.5 Creating custom types
    • 7.6 Converting between types
  • Chapter 8 - Managing program flow
    • 8.1 Control structures
    • 8.2 Error handling
    • 8.3 Logging
  • Chapter 9 - Digging deeper
    • 9.1 Developing with functions
    • 9.2 Memory management
    • 9.3 Using receivers with custom types
    • 9.4 Working with interfaces
    • 9.5 Type assertion and reflection
    • 9.6 Introducing Generics
  • Chapter 10 - Concurrency
    • 10.1 Goroutines
    • 10.2 Context
    • 10.3 Blocking execution with waitgroups
    • 10.4 Sharing variables using mutexes
    • 10.5 Communicating with channels
    • 10.6 Summary
  • Chapter 11 - Quality Assurance
    • 11.1 Testing
    • 11.2 Benchmarking
    • 11.3 Profiling
  • Glossary

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