GNU make and Makefile from Scratch
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GNU make and Makefile from Scratch

Learn GNU make and Makefile to automate project build and tasks

About the Book

The GNU make and Makefile from Scratch book helps software engineers for defining the build process for a new product and understanding for maintenance of existing product.

Build process is one of the most important activity in development and support of software product. Software products have grown with unbelievable number of files. Now most of the big software products require separate team for build activity. Similarly there are lot of tasks required for managing the software products. Whether it is a development from scratch or maintenance of existing product, build process has to be defined and understood properly. Makefile and GNU make are used heavily from years for software product build automation.

The complexity of build process and numerous tasks to maintain the software product require efficient automation. Makefile and GNU make in linux/unix provides great features to automate the build process and tasks in efficient way. Use of Makefile in C/C++ projects is very common and GNU make is most favorite tool of developers for building the complex projects.

This GNU make and Makefile from Scratch book explains all the features provided by the GNU make utility. The book explains various activity of building project in Makefile by using the features provided by GNU make.

All the features have been explained with appropriate Makefile examples and other required files. Automation of build process and tasks have been explained and examples are provided for the same.

The book can be referred on any Linux/Unix system or other system for variety of applications for automation of build process and tasks. Makefile examples are taken for small C programs but simple programs of any other language C++ etc can be taken to learn and build automation of projects and tasks.

GNU make and Makefile is used for Docker/Embedded System too because it provides the opportunity for incremental build and lot of automation for Docker/Embedded System.

Why learn GNU make and Makefile

  • Must have skill for Software Development/Maintenance
  • Every Project has Build activity
  • There are separate Build and Release teams
  • Automation of Build is must for big real and complex projects
  • First step to get complex product to release
  • Necessary to understand the working of Product
  • Better management of product
  • Fresh engineers require better understanding of system

About the Author

Suresh Kumar Srivastava
Suresh Kumar Srivastava

Suresh Kumar Srivastava is founder of online learning site He is author of popular books C In DepthData Structures Through C In Depth that helped 250,000+ students. He has 20+ years experience in industry and worked on architecture and design of multiple products. He has worked on Compilers, Linker, Debugger, IDE, System Utilities, System Management and Telecom/Mobile/Systems tools development.

Table of Contents

    • 1 Introduction
      • 1.1 Introduction
      • 1.2 Building Project
      • 1.3 Commands of Building Project
      • 1.4 Simple Makefile
      • 1.5 Rules
      • 1.6 Processing of Makefile
      • 1.7 Variables in Makefile
      • 1.8 Tasks other than build in Makefile
      • 1.9 Parts of Makefile
      • 1.10 Including another Makefile
      • 1.11 Running make and Naming of Makefile
    • 2 Rules
      • 2.1 What is Rule
      • 2.2 Rule Syntax
      • 2.3 Types of Prerequisites
      • 2.4 Wildcards
      • 2.5 Wildcard Examples
      • 2.6 wildcard Function
      • 2.7 Automatic Variables
      • 2.8 Building target using automatic variables
      • 2.9 Finding Prerequisites
      • 2.10 VPATH
      • 2.11 vpath directive
      • 2.12 VPATH demo
      • 2.13 Phony Targets 1
      • 2.14 Phony Targets 2
      • 2.15 Rule without Commands and Prerequisites
      • 2.16 Empty Target File
    • 3 Commands
      • 3.1 Commands in Rules
      • 3.2 Command Syntax
      • 3.3 Continuation of Command Line
      • 3.4 How to use variables in command
      • 3.5 Displaying commands
      • 3.6 Command Errors
      • 3.7 Interrupts
      • 3.8 Use of make in command
      • 3.9 Communicating options to a Sub-make
      • 3.10 Displaying the directory information
      • 3.11 Empty Commands

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