Getting Started HTML
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Getting Started HTML

The internet user's guide to HTML & CSS

About the Book

You are an internet user, but that's about it. You want to change that. You want to make things! And you're not talking about typing a few paragraphs into a blog post; you want to make something completely unique and all your own! You've come to the right place.

Every site you visit on the internet is made up of HTML and CSS. They are the language of the internet. If you've never even seen code before it can look like a completely foreign unreadable language.

If I've just described your situation this is the book for you. I assume no prior knowledge: if you know how to visit websites, you can understand this book.

You won't be creating the next Facebook after reading this book. I keep it very simple: you're going to create a basic page with a simple but neat style. I want to provide you a basic foundation so that when you go out onto the internet to learn more advanced stuff on your own you can actually understand it!

To make these concepts even easier to understand, there's a series of YouTube videos directly correlating to the content of the book. By buying the book, you also get access to downloadable copies of the books for your convenience!

This book is a work in progress, but that's why you should buy it! Your feedback will directly influence the final product and make it better.

For the latest updates on what's coming for Getting Started HTML, visit the blog.

About the Author

Andy Bell
Andy Bell

Andy Bell is a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho studying Communication. He currently works at the campus tutoring center offering tutoring for an HTML & CSS course offered in the Communication department. This experience in tutoring led to him realizing that most HTML learning methods assume at least some background knowledge in coding, a background most communication students don't have. Getting Started HTML and the accompanying YouTube videos are an effort to provide a new method to learning HTML & CSS (and are also his senior project).

Table of Contents

  • Getting Started HTML Video Downloads
  • How the Internet Works
    • Step One: Typing an Address In
    • Step Two: DNS
    • Step Three: Going There…
    • Step Four: At the Destination
    • Step Five: …and Back Again
    • Step Six: Putting it Together
    • Chapter Summary
  • How Web Hosting Works
    • What is a server?
    • What types of web hosting are available?
    • Why should you buy web hosting?
    • What should you look for in a web host?
    • Chapter Summary
    • Extra Credit
  • Introduction to FTP
    • “Results May Vary”
    • What is FTP?
    • How do I keep my files organized?
    • How do I use FTP?
    • Where do I put the files that go on my website?
    • How can I get files onto my website without bothering with FTP?
    • Chapter Summary
    • Extra Credit
  • Introducing HTML
    • Why do we need HTML?
    • What is HTML?
    • What program do I need to use to write HTML?
    • How do I start writing HTML?
    • How are HTML tags related to each other?
    • Sample Page
    • Why can’t I see my code when I open my HTML file?
    • What are some of the most basic elements I need to know?
    • Chapter Summary
    • Extra Credit
  • Introducing CSS
    • Sample HTML file
    • What is CSS?
    • How does my HTML know what style to use?
    • How do I start writing CSS?
  • How do I select things?
    • What are some of the basic CSS properties I need to know?
    • Chapter Summary
    • Extra Credit

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