Getting Started With Angular
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Getting Started With Angular

About the Book

Angular is a well-established front-end framework and this book will guide you through how to get started with Angular.

This book is over 11 chapters, taking you from introducing you to what Angular is and the benefits of using Angular for your next web application project. To going through how an Angular application is structured, how it makes use of Components, templates and services. Then moving onto how we can make use of the Angular CLI to help build parts of our application. 

Once we have an understanding of what Angular is and how it’s structured we will go through more advanced features like writing Services to access external APIs. Then we will go through Observables and Observer, seeing what they are and how they can be used within our Angular applications. 

We will look at RxJs and NgRx, how these two libraries can be used with Angular to tackle state management within an application. Finally, we will look at how to write Unit Tests and how to use the Angular CLI to create a production-ready version of an application.

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About the Author

Stephen Adams
Stephen Adams

I'm a UK based web developer with over 18 years experience in building web applications. I've working with clients such as Chelsea FC, UK House's of Parliament and Google. Over the years I've worked with technologies such as ColdFusion, C#, .Net and Flex.

Now I'm focussed on Angular and TypeScript for web application development. I believe Angular is the an ideal choice for creating enterprise level applications.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: What is Angular?
    • What is Angular?
    • Some examples of the type of projects built with Angular
    • Angular’s history
    • Why use Angular?
    • Features of Angular
    • The Client Contacts Manager Application
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Angular Architecture
    • Overview of Angular
    • Installing the Angular CLI
    • Installing Visual Studio Code
    • The architecture of an Angular app
    • The architecture of our Client Contacts application
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Getting Started with the Angular CLI
    • How a CLI helps Angular developers
    • Installing the Angular CLI
    • Creating the Client Contacts Manager application
    • Running your application in the browser
    • Commands of the Angular CLI
    • What are Schematics?
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Components, Templates, and Forms
    • Components
    • What are components?
    • Why do we have components now?
    • The structure of a component
    • The Component class
    • The component life cycle hooks
    • Passing data into and out of components
    • Component templates
    • Categories of components
    • An introduction to forms
    • Creating a Reactive form
    • When to use template forms
    • When to use Reactive forms
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: NgModules
    • What are modules in Angular?
    • The parts of the NgModule file
    • How to create modules using the CLI
    • Creating modules for our Client Contact Manager application
    • Adding our Client components to the ClientModule
    • Adding Angular Material
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Routing and Navigation
    • What are routes?
    • Creating our navigation component
    • Route parameters
    • Route Guards
    • Implementing a Route Guard
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Dependency Injection, Services, and HttpClient
    • What is Dependency Injection?
    • How does Angular handle Dependency Injection
    • Providers in Angular
    • Services in Angular
    • A look at the services Angular provides
    • The HttpClient service
    • Features of the HttpClient API
    • Advanced features of HttpClient service
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Observables and RxJs
    • Observables
    • What is RxJs?
    • Operators
    • Examples of Operators
    • The Operator Decision Tree
    • Subjects
    • How Angular uses RxJs
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: State Management and NgRx
    • Defining state management
    • The Redux library
    • Exploring NgRx
    • Example of a Reducer
    • Example of an Action
    • Example of the Store
    • Example of Selectors
    • Effects
    • Installing NgRx
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
  • Chapter 10: Testing
    • Testing and Test Driven Development
    • Jasmine in action
    • Setup and tear down of tests
    • The Karma test runner
    • Taking a Test Driven Development approach
    • Karma settings in Angular
    • Running tests using the Angular CLI
    • Writing tests in Angular
    • The TestBed class
    • Examples of tests
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Packaging Our Application
    • Building a release version with the CLI
    • The angular.json file
    • Ahead-of-Time compilation
    • Other various production optimisations
    • Making use of lazy loading
    • Application size budget
    • Measuring performance
  • Summary

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