Generic Go
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Generic Go

Get the most out of type parameters and avoid the nasty pitfalls

About the Book

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The addition of generic type parameters has been a hot topic since the very beginning of the Go programming language. The lack of generics is seen by many as an advantage rather than a shortcoming of the language. It has been a deliberate and justified decision, putting the readability and easy understanding of Go before writing ergonomics. It is fair to say that the Go community has managed to do wonders with Go’s existing set of features.

Yet, the rapid adoption of the language brings with itself new applications and problem domains. With projects going beyond a certain scale, reusing portions of the code becomes a necessity. This is why the core team has iterated over multiple language proposals for generics until one stood out and will eventually make it in an upcoming version.

This mini-book will prepare both novice and experienced programmers about this major language change. It will:

- explain the need for generics

- compare and contrast their inclusion in other languages like Java.

- help the reader safely experiment with type parameters without changing their production environment

- address common problems, solving them both with Go’s existing set of features and using the accepted type parameters proposal.

- address major pitfalls of generics, and help the reader choose wisely when to use them and when not.

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About the Author

Preslav Rachev
Preslav Rachev

A seasoned software developer with about a decade of professional experience behind my back. My first real touch with programming dates about a decade further back. Throughout my career, I have had the chance to learn a lot, and I believe that the time has come for me to contribute my knowledge back to the developer community.

Table of Contents

  • Go Enters the Stage
    • In the beginning, there was ranting
  • What this Book Is About
  • The Basics
    • Defining Generic Programming
    • Polymorphism
  • How are type parameters implemented in Go?
    • Type Erasure, Templates, and Monomorphization
  • Generic Use Cases
    • Type-Safe, Fluent Containers

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