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from one pound of seed to ten pounds of feed

About the Book



Please visit our kickstarter campaign. I am trying to raise money to conduct scientific analysis of the nutritional break down of many types of fodder seeds at various stages of growth. This research is to be conducted at Texas A&M.  This will help us to better forumulate a proper diet for all the types of animals we would feed fodder too.


This book covers all the important topics that I came across during my research for the creation of a fodder production system for my pig, chicken, rabbit, goat, and horse farm. Don't get me wrong, there is a large amount of information out there on the internet across many people's youtube channels and blogs. I figured I would take the time to compile all the information I have learned as I have sifted through the very useful and not so useful internet resources.

Fodder Systems

This book will cover the various styles of fodder growing systems that currently exist. We will take a look at everything from a canning jar system to the larger hydropnically inspired systems.

Then I will detail the creation of at least three systems (the first two will be buildable by the average handyman)

  • A simple kitchen style system for the small use farm or tinkerer that is interested in getting into fodder
  • A medium sized system capable of supporting a family rabbit/chicken operation
  • A large system that can produce 50-100lbs of fodder a day and scale as needed to produce more as your farm grows

I will go over some construction gotchas and solutions to common problems as we walk through the plans.

Seeds for Fodder

In this section I will see what can be grown efficiently as fodder. We will take a look at oats, wheat, corn, barley, peas, sunflowers, etc.

A stretch goal for this book will also include the nutritional break down of each type of seed with an analysis over the seed at various stages of growth.

With that information in hand we will take a look at a few formulations that could be used as part of your diatary plan for various animals types, and their ranging diatary needs throughout the different stages of their life.

Next we will take a look at the different types of diseases you will be facing with each type of seed with tips how to combat each one.

Interviews with the Fodder Pros

In this section I would like to interview different fodder professionals about their systems, how they came to the decisions they did, and what they have learned as they have managed their fodder production.

About the Authors

Andrew Siemer
Andrew Siemer

I am a former Army Ranger, father of 6, technical book author, software architect for one of the largest ecommerce platforms on the internet, Regional Director for the Aquaponics Association, live blogger of everything I do, eager teacher of everything I know, build master, scrum master, horseman, and sustainable farmer.

Devin Rose
Devin Rose

I am a former Army Ranger, father of 6, technical book author, software architect for one of the largest ecommerce platforms on the internet, Regional Director for the Aquaponics Association, live blogger of everything I do, eager teacher of everything I know, build master, scrum master, horseman, and sustainable farmer.

About the Contributors

Devin Rose
Devin Rose

Computer programmer and Catholic man wanting to help other people.

Jessica Siemer
Jessica Siemer


My most awesome wife has been the un-assigned editor of my previous book projects. This time she has graciously stepped up to be THE EDITOR for this book. Thank you so very much for putting up with me and my horrible english!

Table of Contents

  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • About this book
    • Who should read this book
    • Roadmap
    • Developed in the open
    • About the author
  • Introduction
  • 1 What is fodder?
    • 1.1 The general process for growing fodder
      • The seed
      • The growing container
      • Water
      • Drainage
      • Build types
        • Flood and Drain
        • Trickle Down
        • Misting vs. Soaking
    • 1.2 The math behind fodder
      • Simple math with 50# bags
      • Better math when buying in bulk
  • 2 Fodder System Types
    • 2.1 Flood and Drain Systems
      • Muffin Trays
      • In a Jar
      • On a larger scale
    • 2.2 Trickle Down Systems
      • slanted trays
      • Half-Pint Homestead 6 Tray Kit
      • Quartz Ridge Ranch
    • 2.3 Commercial Systems
      • Fodder King by Crop King
      • Fodder Pro 3.0 by FarmTek
      • Automatic Paddock by Fodder Solutions
    • 2.4 Fixed or removable trays?
    • 2.5 Understand the daily rituals prior to picking a system type
      • Cleaning fixed trays can be hard
    • 2.6 Consider the systems scalability
  • 3 Creating a good fodder growing environment
    • 3.1 Just give me the details so I can skip this chapter
    • 3.2 Humidity
      • Humidifiers
      • De-Humidifiers
  • 4 Temperature
    • 4.1 Heaters
    • 4.2 Air Conditioners
      • CoolBot
    • 4.3 Drainage
    • 4.4 Air flow
    • 4.5 Light
    • 4.6 Signs that something isn’t quite right
      • Spotty growth
      • Stink
    • 4.7 Watch out for
      • Fungal Spore
      • Yeast
      • Mold
        • Aspergillus
  • 5 Nutritional numbers around fodder
    • 5.1 How much fodder should I plan to produce
    • 5.2 Types of seeds used in fodder
    • 5.3 Cereal Grains
      • Maize (aka Corn)
      • Wheat (triticum)
      • Barley (hordeum)
    • 5.4 Legumes
      • Alfalfa (lucerne) - perennial flowering plant in the pea family
      • Clover (trifolium)
      • Soy Bean
      • Pea Nut
      • Green Peas
      • Chickpeas
    • 5.5 Nuts
      • Sunflower (helianthus annuus)
      • Know your germination rate
    • 5.6 The nutritional building blocks required
      • Lysine
      • Digestable energy
      • Crude protein
      • Calcium
      • Phosphorus
  • 6 Formulating the proper diet for your animal
    • 6.1 Why does this matter?
  • 7 How do I feed fodder
  • 8 DIY - Building a small system for chickens and rabbits
    • 8.1 Who would this type of system be right for?
    • 8.2 Some example systems
    • 8.3 The build
      • Making the trays
      • Seeding the trays
      • Stacking the trays
      • Soaking the seeds
  • 9 A medium sized system for a family farm
  • 10 A large scale-able system for a working farm
  • 11 Questions and Answers
  • 12 Resources

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