Flutter Design Patterns and Best Practices
Flutter Design Patterns and Best Practices
Build scalable, maintainable, and production-ready apps using effective architectural principles
About the Book
Flutter’s rapid adoption by developers and businesses alike has led to an increased demand for skilled developers who can deliver high-quality Flutter apps. Flutter can be a great tool to develop apps for yourself, but you don’t always need to consider things like scalability or business goals as a hobbyist. When you build apps for a business, however, you must use specific tools to help the business achieve its goals. This requires solutions to be fast, reliable, and delivered on time. This book will help you meet these business requirements.
You'll begin by learning how to build responsive UIs that work on all devices. Next, you'll delve into state management, understanding how to select the appropriate solution and gaining hands-on experience with InheritedWidget, ChangeNotifier, and BLoC. Later, you'll move on to high-level practices such as layered architecture, dependency injection, and repository patterns. The book will also show you how to develop features of any complexity, such as multithreading and native layer implementations. You'll also learn how to ensure the quality of your solutions by prioritizing testing.
By the end of this book, you'll be able to deliver well-architected Flutter projects that are stable, scalable, and maintainable.
Table of Contents
- Best Practices for Building UIs with Flutter
- Responsive UIs for All Devices
- Vanilla State Management
- State Management Patterns and Their Implementations
- Creating Consistent Navigation
- The Responsible Repository Pattern
- Implementing the Inversion of Control Principle
- Ensuring Scalability and Maintainability with Layered Architecture
- Mastering Concurrent Programming in Dart
- A Bridge to the Native Side of Development
- Unit Tests, Widget Tests, and Mocking Dependencies
- Static Code Analysis and Debugging Tools
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