Flutter Flame: Game Development

Flutter Flame: Game Development

Your guide to creating cross-platform games in 2D using the Flame engine in Flutter 3

About the Book

With Flutter, we can make all kinds of applications, especially focused on the mobile field, but we can also use the same project to develop not only on Android and iOS, but also on desktops for Linux, MacOS and Windows, and also for web development. making subtle changes to the project at the code level. Although, Flutter goes much further with Flame.

Flame is an engine for creating 2D games with Flutter; Its installation is extremely simple since Flame is nothing more than a pub package; thus, with this, we can create 2D games with Flame for mobile, desktop and web.

With Flame, we can create components, which have been the equivalent of widgets in Flutter and where the components are nothing more than an element of our game, such as a player, an enemy, the background, a consumable, etc; and each component contains the implementation for their operation; for example, in the case of a player or player, it contains the logic to move it, change animations, control lives, consumables, etc; and through a master class, we can organize all the logic of these components.

This book is mostly practical, we will get to know the basics of Flame based on small examples until we get to know enough about the library to create a simple 2D game.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to develop on Flame and create their first 2D games with cross-platform Flutter.

This book has a total of 9 chapters, it is recommended that you read in the order in which they are arranged and as we explain the fundamentals of Flame based on examples; once you've mastered the library, you can browse the sections in any order you like.

  • We will create a project in Flutter with the basic dependencies needed to create games with Flame in Flutter.
  • This chapter is mostly theoretical and we will know the structure of Flame, which is mainly based on Flame classes, components and life cycle methods.
  • We'll take a practical approach to Flame features, such as Game classes, core Flame components, key-in, tap, and collisions.
  • We will begin by creating the structure of a simple 2D collision game using as a base part of the code seen in the previous chapter.
  • This chapter introduces the use of the background to define the same by means of a solid color or an image.
  • This chapter we will start by creating the structure of a simple 2D jumping game using the tile system presented above.
  • This chapter will make some additional changes over the previous game such as varying the jump, limiting player movements, and defining a background.
  • This chapter we will create a new game by changing the perspective of its visualization and with this, the gameplay.

The book is currently in development...

This book is a translation into English of Flutter Flame: Desarrollo de juegos which was originally written in Spanish.

About the Author


Andrés Cruz Yoris, Licenciado en Computación, con más de 10 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en general; trabajo con PHP, Python y tecnologías del lado del cliente como HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Vue entre otras; y del lado del servidor como Laravel, Flask, Django y Codeigniter. También desarrollo con Android Studio, xCode y Flutter para la creación de aplicaciones nativas para Android e IOS.

Pongo a tú disposición parte de mi aprendizaje, reflejado en cada una de las palabras que componen mis libros sobre el desarrollo de aplicaciones en general.

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