Fighting The Darkness Monster

Fighting The Darkness Monster

Learning To More Than Live With Depression

About the Book

Living with depression can be like a nasty roommate that never leaves. You can hide in your room, but the effects of that roommate are still there. They affect everything you do and it's easy to think it's just how life is going to be.

After being hunted by depression and nearly losing the battle on multiple occasions I was tired. Tired of constantly wondering when it would come around again. Just waiting for it to destroy anything positive that was going on in my life. Leaving a path of destruction no matter where I ran or tried to hide. Depression was always just around the corner. Doctors wanted to pump me full of mind numbing drugs that sucked every ounce of what little joy I had and would leave me a shell of a human being. I knew I had to do something...

I was tired of being hunted.

I was tired of just trying to survive.

I was frustrated with the perceived lack of support and understanding.

I was done with the excuses!

It was time for me to find a better way. It was time to put on my technical skills hat and begin the journey that would change my life forever.

I still strive to make things better, but I have already come a long way since I began this journey. Now I want to share what I've learned in hopes to helping others make sense of what is really going on.

I was tired of being hunted by the darkness monster so I found a way to turn the hunt around.

Here's how I did it. I hope this information will give you a better understanding of yourself and arm you with the tools to find what works for you.

It's time for you to turn the hunt around! Are you ready?

About the Author


A professional developer and software architect by trade, musician by hobby, husband and father by choice. I've done many crazy things in the life that I've lived and most of it is directly attributed to dealing with depression. Work was an escape. Music was a distraction. Being a family gave me a purpose to push through even the worst moments. It wasn't until I began turning my professional skills on myself that I started to understand what was happening to me. With that knowledge I began to develop my own system of more than just coping with depression. I found ways to make changes in my life that had significantly positive impacts on my overall state of mind.

Now my work is taking on a whole new meaning. I'm part of a team that is building a platform to help people discover similar results using the system I developed over many years.

Music is no longer a distraction from the darkness. Now it is a light that gives a voice to my non technical side.

My family is still a source of motivation. The motivation is no longer just to survive the darkness, but to reach higher than ever thought possible. They are the inspiration to reach out and help others to find their balance.

All of this is to do my part in giving my kids a slightly better world than I was given.

Causes Supported

Open Sourcing Mental Illness, Ltd

Changing how we talk about mental health in the tech community.

Changing how we talk about mental health in the tech community.

Open Sourcing Mental Illness is a non-profit, 501c3 corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open source communities. OSMI began in 2013 as a speaking campaign by Ed Finkler. Ed started speaking at tech conferences about his personal experiences as a web developer and open source advocate with a mental health disorder. The response was overwhelming, and Ed has continued to speak, gather data, and organize efforts to change experiences of those with mental health disorders in the tech workplace. This includes speaking at conferences and companies, conducting research, and creating documentation to assist companies in making supportive environments for those impacted by mental health disorders. He is assisted in these efforts by selfless volunteers who bring their time and expertise to bear on this important issue.

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