Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification and Beyond
Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification and Beyond
Master Azure administration and pass the AZ-104 exam with confidence
About the Book
Take the first step toward excellence in Azure management and achieving Microsoft certification with this practical guide! This third edition of Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification and Beyond offers comprehensive insights and clear, step-by-step instructions that follow the latest AZ-104 exam objectives. You’ll work your way from foundational topics such as Azure identity management and governance to essential skills such as deploying and managing storage solutions, configuring virtual networks, and effectively monitoring Azure resources. Each chapter is equipped with practice questions to reinforce your understanding and enhance your practical skills. The book also provides you with access to online mock exams, interactive flashcards, and expert exam tips, guaranteeing that you pass with flying colors. By the end of this book, you'll not only be equipped to pass the AZ-104 exam but also possess the expertise needed to expertly manage Azure environments.
Table of Contents
- Managing Microsoft Entra ID Objects
- Devices in Microsoft Entra ID
- Managing Role-Based Access Control in Azure
- Creating and Managing Governance
- Managing Governance and Costs
- Understanding Storage Accounts
- Copying Data To and From Azure
- Securing Storage
- Storage Management and Replication
- Azure Resource Manager Templates
- Azure Bicep
- Understanding Virtual Machines
- Managing Virtual Machines
- Creating and Configuring Containers
- Creating and Configuring App Service
- Implementing and Managing Virtual Networking
- Securing Access to Virtual Networks
- Configuring Load Balancing
- Integrating On-Premises Networks with Azure
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting Virtual Networking
- Monitoring Resources with Azure Monitor
- Implementing Backup and Recovery Solutions
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