Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec (The Book: Latest Edition)
Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec
A practical approach to test-driven development
About the Book
Built a couple of Rails applications, but struggling with reliable test coverage? Does your application testing consist of clicking around in the browser, hoping you catch everything before your customers do?
It's a common experience for new Ruby on Rails developers! Testing and test-driven development are crucial, but many tutorials don't delve deeply into these components. In Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec, you'll learn tried-and-true techniques for writing clear, effective, maintainable tests in RSpec—in turn, building more trustworthy features for your customers, and saving countless hours refreshing your browser.
Table of Contents
- Preface to this edition
- Acknowledgements
1. Introduction
- Confident testing
- Why RSpec?
- Who should read this book
- My testing philosophy
- How the book is organized
- Downloading the sample code
- Code conventions
- Discussion and errata
- A note about gem versions
- A note about styling
- About the sample application
2. Setting up RSpec
- Dependencies
- Test database
- RSpec configuration
binstub - Try it out!
- Summary
- Exercises
3. Model specs
- Anatomy of a model spec
- Creating a model spec
- The RSpec syntax
- Testing validations
- Testing instance methods
- Testing class methods and scopes
- Testing all the cases
- More about matchers
- Summary
- Exercises
4. DRY enough specs
- Describing contexts in RSpec
- DRYer test setup and teardown
- How DRY is too DRY?
- Summary
- Exercises
5. Creating meaningful test data
- Factories or fixtures?
- Installing factory_bot
- Adding factories to the application
- Generating unique data with sequences
- Associations in factories
- Using factories safely
- Summary
- Exercises
6. Testing controllers
- Basic request specs
- Testing user authentication
- Testing user authorization
- Testing user input
- Summary
- Exercises
- 7. Testing the user interface with feature specs
- 8. Testing the API with request specs
- 9. Keeping specs DRY
- 10. Writing tests faster, and writing faster tests
- 11. Testing the rest
- 12. Toward test-driven development
13. Parting advice
- Practice testing the small things
- Be aware of what you’re doing
- Short spikes are OK
- Write a little, test a little is also OK
- Try to write integration specs first
- Make time for testing
- Keep it simple
- Don’t revert to old habits!
- Use your tests to make your code better
- Sell others on the benefits of automated testing
- Keep practicing
- Goodbye, for now
- More testing resources for Rails
- About Everyday Rails
- About the author
- Colophon
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