Episerver Commerce: A problem - solution approach
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Episerver Commerce: A problem - solution approach

Solving problems, one at a time

About the Book

If you want to have an overview, systematic knowledge on Episerver Commerce, check out my other book - Pro Episerver Commerce.If you just want to get things done, and learn by practices, then this book is for you.

Of course you can by both!

This book is very much a work on progress, and I am continuously updating the content. So please be easy with some typos or grammar errors. If you have feedback or suggestions, you are more than welcome to let me know.

About the Author

Quan Mai
Quan Mai

Formerly a dedicated developer in Episerver Commerce team from day 1, I am known as "The Commerce guru" within and outside Episerver. My expertise and experiences have been built not only by building the framework, but to help the developers to understand it, and use it at its best.

You can reach my page at http://world.episerver.com/System/Users-and-profiles/Community-Profile-Card/?userid=9b7dad33-b57b-e011-a4b8-0018717a8c82 or my personal email at vimvq1987 at gmail.com


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Table of Contents

  • Who is this book for
    • Prerequisites
    • Conventions
  • Chapter 0: Preparation
    • Problem 0.0: How to get an Episerver Commerce site up and running
    • Problem 0.1: Dependency injection
    • Problem 0.2: Register dependency
    • Problem 0.3: The dependency lifecycle
  • Chapter 1: Catalog System recipes
    • Problem 1.0: How to identify a catalog content
    • Problem 1.1: Get all catalogs
    • Problem 1.2: Traverse the catalog.
    • Problem 1.2.2: Find unpublished variants
    • Problem 1.3: Read only Catalog UI
    • Problem 1.4: Choose an URL style
    • Problem 1.4.1: Switch between url styles
    • Problem 1.5: Remove the catalog name from product url
    • Problem 1.6: Multiple catalogs with same url
    • Problem 1.6.2: Building the outgoing URLs
    • Problem 1.6.3: Beyond multiple sites
    • Problem 1.6.4: Url without catalog name in multiple catalogs scenario
    • Problem 1.6.5: Url without categories
    • Problem 1.7: Get products belong to a specific market
    • Problem 1.8: Move catalog items around
    • Problem 1.8.2 Set the primary node
    • Problem 1.8.3: Adjust sort order
    • Problem 1.9: Build a breadcrumb
    • Problem 1.9.2: Build a breadcrumb: multiple categories scenario
  • Chapter 2: Inventories and Prices.
    • Problem 2.0: Update a price
    • Problem 2.0.1 Update prices
    • Problem 2.1: Optimize prices, your own way
    • Problem 2.2: Store the MSRP (Manufacturer suggested retail price)
    • Problem 2.2.2: Edit the price type
    • Problem 2.2.3: Show previous prices
    • Problem 2.3: Change prices globally
    • Problem 2.4: Handle obsoleted prices
    • Problem 2.5: Split shipments on inventory status
    • Problem 2.5.2 Copying lineitem properties.
    • Problem 2.6: Update inventory, the safe way.
    • Problem 2.7: Select fulfillment warehouse
    • Problem 2.8: Cancel inventory reservation
    • Problem 2.8.2 Cancel one line item
  • Chapter 3: Order
    • Problem 3.1: Find abandoned carts
    • Problem 3.1.2: Searching for serializable abandoned carts
    • Problem 3.2: Add metafield to cart
    • Problem 3.2.2: Adding metafield to cart via code
    • Problem 3.2.3: Performance considerations
    • Problem 3.3: Add items to cart
    • Problem 3.3.2: Add a bundle to cart
    • Problem 3.3.2: Remove an item from cart
    • Problem 3.4: Shipment cost-based shipping cost
    • Problem 3.4.2: Configure a shipping method.
    • Problem 3.5: Migrate carts when users log in
    • Problem 3.6: Customize tax calculation
  • Chapter 4: Events
    • Problem 4.1: Reindex entries when there are changes.
    • Problem 4.1.2: React to prices and inventories events.
    • Problem 4.1.3: Remove entries from index
    • Problem 4.2: Incremental indexing without events
    • Problem 4.3: Update when there are updates
    • Problem 4.3.2: A slightly different approach for listening to events
    • Problem 4.4: Reindex when stock level reaches a threshold
  • Chapter 5: Searching
    • Problem 5.1: Searching for entries
    • Problem 5.2: Building a facet.
    • Problem 5.3: Add additional fields to the index.
    • Problem 5.3.2: Add additional fields to Find index
    • Problem 5.4: Fast category pages.
    • Problem 5.5 Skip indexing certain entries
    • Problem 5.5.2 Better partial indexing
    • Problem 5.5.3: Skip indexing content in Find
    • Problem 5.5.4: Hide entries from Find searches
  • Chapter 6: Promotions.
    • Problem 6.0: Get all promotions.
    • Problem 6.1: How to add coupon code.
    • Problem 6.2: Change prices globally
    • Problem 6.3: Multiple coupons per promotion
    • Problem 6.3.2: Multiple coupons for built-in promotions
    • Problem 6.3.3 Get comprehensive coupon applied status
    • Problem 6.3.4: Cache valid coupon codes
    • Problem 6.4: Get coupon code statistics
    • Problem 6.5: Get product listing with discounted prices
    • Problem 6.6: Predict the rate of applicable orders
    • Problem 6.7: Multiple markets campaign
    • Problem 6.7.2: Process multiple markets campaign
    • Problem 6.7.3: Process shipping methods for multiple markets
    • Problem 6.8: Promotions by visitor groups
  • Chapter 7: Customer recipes
    • Problem 7.1: Add new fields to the contact
    • Problem 7.1.2: Ensure contact metafields
    • Problem 7.2: Change the contact select screen
    • Problem 7.3: Promotion for loyal customers
    • Problem 7.4: Shared cart within organization
  • Chapter 8: Framework
    • Problem 8.1: Extend the default behavior
    • Problem 8.1.2: The partial overridden IProfileMigrator
    • Problem 8.2: Shared singleton
  • Chapter 9: Mixes
    • Problem 9.1 Add items to indexing queue
    • Problem 9.2: Migrates all promotions to new campaign type
  • Chapter 10: Extending Commerce Manager
    • 10.1 Add wish-list management
    • 10.2: Add organization to order list
    • 10.2.1: Add the organization, the alternative way

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