Enhancing Your Cloud Security with a CNAPP Solution
Enhancing Your Cloud Security with a CNAPP Solution
Unlock the full potential of Microsoft Defender for Cloud to fortify your cloud security
About the Book
Cloud security is a pivotal aspect of modern IT infrastructure, essential for safeguarding critical data and services. This comprehensive book explores Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP), guiding you through adopting, deploying, and managing these solutions effectively. Written by Yuri Diogenes, Principal PM at Microsoft, who has been with Defender for Cloud (formerly Azure Security Center) since its inception, this book distills complex concepts into actionable knowledge making it an indispensable resource for Cloud Security professionals.
The book begins with a solid foundation detailing the why and how of CNAPP, preparing you for deeper engagement with the subject. As you progress, it delves into practical applications, including using Microsoft Defender for Cloud to enhance your organization's security posture, handle multicloud environments, and integrate governance and continuous improvement practices into your operations.
Further, you'll learn how to operationalize your CNAPP framework, emphasizing risk management & attack disruption, leveraging AI to enhance security measures, and integrating Defender for Cloud with Microsoft Security Exposure Management. By the end, you'll be ready to implement and optimize a CNAPP solution in your workplace, ensuring a robust defense against evolving threats.
Table of Contents
- Why CNAPP?
- Assessing your Environment's Security Posture
- CNAPP Design Considerations
- Creating an Adoption Plan
- Elevating your Workload's Security Posture
- Multicloud
- DevOps Security Capabilities
- Governance and Continuous Improvement
- Proactive Hunting
- Implementing Workload Protection
- Protecting Compute resources (Servers and Containers)
- Protecting Storage and Databases
- Protecting APIs
- Protecting Service Layer
- Incident Response
- Leveraging AI to Improve your Security Posture
- Extended Security Posture Management (XSPM)
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