The power of end-to-end testing
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The power of end-to-end testing

Selenium in .NET for Testers and developers

About the Book

In this book, I want to show you the power of web applications end-to-end testing. Besides of all that great functionality, the framework which I want to describe here is very easy to use and understand. Moreover using some techniques to design and architect test cases, it will be quite easy to maintain and use that kind of tests.

About the Author

Adrian Sroka
Adrian Sroka

Web developer working on front-end and back-end side. Associated with .NET environment for a long time. Lazy enough to automate the development process on each phase.

Life enthusiast. Passionate of quality, good food and sport.

Reader Testimonials

Albert Skłodowski
Albert Skłodowski

.NET Designer Developer

The most important aspect of software quality is to meet the requirements of the end user. End-to-end testing allows you to validate your software against user acceptance criteria. Adrian Sroka's book is a great tutorial on how to use Selenium to write your end-to-end tests correctly and boost the quality of your software without much effort.

Konrad Kokosa
Konrad Kokosa

.NET Developer/Architect w Bank Millennium • Microsoft MVP • Trainer • Warsaw Web Perf Leader

Selenium succinctly and without going around the bush. In a fast way, you will learn, chapter by chapter, from what Selenium is to how to create a BDD end-to-end tests with the help of SpecFlow. Fully recommended!

Katarzyna Rzążewska
Katarzyna Rzążewska

I knew nothing about end-to-end testing before and learnt a lot from this book. The book explains basic concepts and gives many examples, which make this topic easy to understand.

Piotr Stapp
Piotr Stapp

Doer • Software creator • Speaker • Blogger • Trainer • Microsoft MVP

A great tutorial for Selenium. You will learn how to create end to end tests in .NET tools. If you never think about it, this book is a great way to start a journey.

Tomasz Sitarek
Tomasz Sitarek

The Power of End-To-End Testing" by Adrian Sroka is End-To-End book. If you wonder how to design, organize and implement tests in your application, you should read that book. The Author discusses carefully a lot of aspects of E2E tests, including: locating UI elements, performing actions, navigating, handling errors, asynchronous calls. There is also quite wide and clear description of Page Object pattern and Fluent Interface (both proposed by Martin Fowler).

Wojciech Stelmaszewski
Wojciech Stelmaszewski

Adrian Sroka's book covers the topic of end-to-end testing from top to bottom, it presents not only Selenium, but also other tools useful for complex software quality assurance. Subjects are clearly presented in its basic as well as in complex real-life examples. This book is not only for programmers but for everyone involved in the software development process.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. End-to-end testing
    • User manual tests
    • Automated tests
  • 3. Selenium UI
    • Selenium IDE
    • Selenium WebDriver
  • 4. First test
    • Basic test configuration
    • WebDriver configuration
    • Exporting a test from Selenium IDE
  • 5. Drivers
  • 6. Navigation
  • 7. Location of UI elements
    • Selecting embedded elements
    • Working with lists
  • 8. Taking actions
    • Check properties
    • Click
    • Keyboard use
    • Keyboard action sequence
    • Context menu
    • File upload
    • Touch actions
    • Select element
  • 9. Cleaning after test
  • 10. Waiting for elements
    • Direct waiting
    • Implicit waiting
    • Explicit waiting
    • Getting element, once it is present
  • 11. Handling errors
    • Asserts
    • Screenshots
  • 12. Real work use case
  • 13. Page Objects pattern
    • What is it?
    • When to use it and when not?
    • How to write it?
    • Attribute selectors
    • Actions in page objects
    • Fluent interface
    • Problems of fluent approach
    • Generators
  • 14. Testing multiple cases
  • 15. Creating BDD tests with SpecFlow
  • 16. Protractor for AngularJS
    • Protractor JS library
    • Protractor.NET library
    • Comparison results
    • Usages
  • 17. The power of JavaScript
    • Kendo Grid operations
  • 18. Selenium tests maintenance
    • Immediate reaction
    • Reference to user story
    • Developers’ convention
  • 19. Designing good tests
    • Identifying test cases
    • Designing process
    • Real world example
    • Before you start
  • Appendix 1 Test on multiple browsers
    • Simple test
    • Test in different browsers
    • Test for different browser settings
    • Testing the responsiveness of web pages
    • Test on different environments
  • Book resources

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