Ember Data in the Wild


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Ember Data in the Wild

Octane Edition

About the Book

Pro Ember Data (2021) with Apress

Ember Data in the Wild has been retired. If you're interested in learning more about Ember Data, please check out my new book Pro Ember Data published by Apress. Pro Ember Data has the polish of a professional publishing company along with brand new content.

Check it out on Amazon or the Apress site here: https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484265604. It is expected to release in December 2020.

I hope you enjoy it. Please reach out to me on Twitter @iamdtang if you have any questions. Thanks for the support!

About the Author

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 - Welcome
    • Why I Wrote This Book?
    • My Promise
    • Is This Book For Me?
    • Conventions
    • API Documentation
    • Errata
    • Book Cover Designed by Arameh Mirzakhanian
    • Get in Touch
  • Chapter 2 - Ember Data Overview
    • Architectural Overview
    • Model Attributes and Transforms
    • The API
    • Using the Store
    • Adapters
    • Relationships
  • Chapter 3 - Talking to APIs with Adapters
    • The RESTAdapter
    • The JSONAPIAdapter
    • The ActiveModelAdapter
    • Background Reloading
  • Chapter 4 - API Response Formats and Serializers
    • The Job of the Serializer
    • The JSONSerializer
    • The RESTSerializer
    • The JSONAPISerializer
    • The Base Serializer
    • Using a Serializer
  • Chapter 5 - Common Adapter and Serializer Customizations
    • Changing the RESTful URL Path
    • Changing the URL for Certain Operations
    • Mapping Differently Named Payload Keys to Model Attributes
    • Mapping Foreign Keys to Relationships
    • Setting the Primary Key
    • Normalizing Responses
    • Normalizing Responses by Store Call
    • Normalizing Single Resource Objects
  • Chapter 6 - Writing an Adapter and Serializer from Scratch
    • Setup
    • Our Custom Adapter and Serializer
    • Finding All Records
    • Finding a Single Record
    • Revisiting normalizeResponse()
    • Creating Records
    • Updating a Record
    • Deleting a Record
  • Chapter 7 - Swapping the API with Local Storage
    • Implementing findAll()
    • Implementing findRecord()
    • Implementing createRecord()
    • Implementing updateRecord()
    • Implementing deleteRecord()
  • Chapter 8 - Nested Resource URL Paths and Relationship Links
    • How Relationship Links Work
    • When APIs Don’t Return Relationship Links
  • Chapter 9 - Working with Nested Data and Embedded Records
    • Declaring Attributes Without Transforms
    • Embedded Records
  • Chapter 10 - Handling Custom Error Responses
    • Validation Errors
    • Controlling the Invalid Status Code
    • Controlling Error Response Payloads
    • Other Error Types
  • Chapter 11 - Testing Adapters and Serializers
    • Testing Adapters
    • Testing Serializers
  • Chapter 12 - Common Customizations with JSON:API
    • Changing Attribute Casing
    • Overriding a Resource Object’s Type
    • Overriding HTTP Methods
  • Chapter 13 - Consuming the Reddit API
    • Setup
    • The Reddit APIs We Will Use
    • Fetching Posts in a Subreddit
    • Fetching a Subreddit’s Details
  • Chapter 14 - Goodbye
  • Notes

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