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Sobre el Libro
En 2018 Keyvan regresa a España para formar parte de Cabify como Head of Engineering tras pasar seis años en Londres, los últimos cuatro liderando equipos en Wise, con muchos aprendizajes sobre los retos de gestionar y escalar equipos orientados a producto en circunstancias de crecimiento explosivo. Un año más tarde, en el 2019 Álvaro comienza como VP de Engineering en Lookiero tras años liderando equipos durante el periodo de compra e integración de TicketBis por parte de Ebay. En el 2020, Félix retorna también a España como Engineering Site Lead para EventBrite tras vivir casi tres años en Londres gestionando equipos de alto rendimiento, los últimos dos en el gigante tecnológico Google.
Aunque sus carreras y contextos son diferentes, los tres comparten el interés por divulgar sobre el rol del Engineering Manager. En 2019 Félix comienza a escribir una serie de artículos sobre el rol y encuentra en Keyvan y Álvaro dos voces con autoridad para revisar y complementar el contenido. Debido al creciente interés por el rol en el ecosistema tecnológico español, finalmente en el 2020 deciden unir fuerzas para crear una guía práctica sobre el rol del Engineering Manager; el tipo de conocimiento que les hubiese gustado adquirir al comienzo de su carrera en el liderazgo y gestión de equipos técnicos.
Sobre los Autores
Keyvan is an Engineering Leader and programmer with more than 15 years of experience crafting products customers love and helping teams succeed. He understands technology as a medium for providing value, not the end itself. He has a passion for Distributed Systems, Software fundamentals, SOLID principles, Clean Code, Design Patterns, Domain-Driven Design, and Testing; as well as being a sporadic Functional Programmer. For the last 7 years, he has also focused on growing teams in high scale-up product companies, advocating for customer-centric product development, Extreme Programming, DevOps, Lean and Kanban.
He has worked on countless projects as a freelancer, on video streaming at Youzee, tradesman marketplace at MyBuilder, in addition to founding his own crowdfunding startup Funddy, and leading FinTech teams at Wise. Currently, he is leading engineering in the ride-hailing space as Head of Engineering at Cabify.
He is also the author of Domain-Driven Design in PHP and CQRS by Example.
Félix is an Engineering leader with more than 20 years of experience in several industries like Video Games, Distributed Systems, Fintech, and Operating Systems. He has experienced many kinds of organization topologies – such as startups, scaleups, or big corporations like Google – as well as many roles, from being the first employee for a small startup, to leadership roles such Tech Lead, CTO or Engineering Manager.
He understands knowledge as a medium to provide value in high-performing teams, and likes to focus on growing the people first. He is passionate about Distributed Systems, Management and Psychology. Currently, he is the Engineering Site Lead at EventBrite Spain.
Félix also facilitates Engineering Management workshops and he is the author of Mastering Python Regular Expressions.
Álvaro is a seasoned technology leader with over 20 years of experience in global, large, and mid-size organizations. Experienced in a wide range of business domains ranging from finance, through retail and government. He has demonstrated experience in building, managing, and mentoring geographically dispersed software development teams.
For the last ten years, he has held several leading roles including Tech Lead, Engineering Manager, and VP of Engineering growing teams at large-scale startups.
Currently, he is leading the engineering team at Europe’s leading personal shopping startup, Lookiero, as the VP of Engineering.