Effective Angular
Effective Angular
Develop applications of any size by effectively using Angular with Nx, RxJS, NgRx, and Cypress
About the Book
Angular is an open-source, front-end framework used to build web applications using TypeScript. Angular is a component-based framework, which means you build apps by developing and composing reusable components. This framework has all the built-in features needed to develop complex, feature-rich web apps. Written by an Angular specialist working with some of the top companies in the Netherlands, this book teaches you how to harness the full potential of the Angular framework.
You’ll explore different front-end architecture designs and set up a scalable environment for Angular applications and libraries using Nx, before taking a deep dive into the framework's newest and most powerful features. Next, you’ll learn to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) with Angular directives, pipes, and animations, and build reusable components like a pro. The book spotlights best practices and flags potential pitfalls at every step of the way. You’ll also learn design patterns that fit well when using the Angular framework, reactive programming with RxJS and Angular signals, and how to manage application states effectively. The book teaches you about accessibility, testing, and optimizing your app for deployment.
By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use Angular effectively to build enterprise-ready, scalable front-end applications.
Table of Contents
- Scalable Front-End Architecture for Angular Applications
- Powerful Angular Features
- Enhancing Your Applications with Directives, Pipes, and Animations
- Building Forms Like a Pro
- Creating Dynamic Angular Components
- Applying Code Conventions and Design Patterns in Angular
- Mastering Reactive Programming in Angular
- Handling Application State with Grace
- Enhancing the Performance and Security of Angular Applications
- Internationalization, Localization, and Accessibility of Angular Applications
- Testing Angular Applications
- Deploying Angular Applications
About the Publisher
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