Easy Lookup Chinese Character Dictionary

Easy Lookup Chinese Character Dictionary


The Thousand Character Essay is one of the stock essays that Calligraphy students use to practice calligraphy. Living in Taiwan there is not shortage of "models" for this piece. Those models include standard script, seal script, cursive script and clerical script. 

The trouble is, if you're Chinese isn't that good (but you still want to learn or do the calligraphy) it would be nice to have a reference book that includes the pronounciation and meaning for each of the characters.

As I'm in the midst of actually trying to memorize this essay, (which has the distinction of having no character being repeated, so it is actually one thousand characters long and is made up of one thousand different characters) I thought I'd make my own book to help make it easier.

This is the book I made. Each sentences or phrase has 8 characters and so I've divided it into blocks of eight phrases (each with 64 characters.)

My own goal has been to learn the cursive script for 64 characters each day. 

Then I'll work on seal script.

Anyway, 64 characters in a sitting is doable, plus I've tried to lay it out in such a way that it is easy to look up individual phrases as well as individual characters.

The current edition lists the characters in order, plus has a rhyming index, where I've organized characters according to the endings of their pronounciation.

I think this can make pronounciation practice easier.

But try it out for yourself to see.

As I write this it also occurse to me that I should include a lookup index. I will probably include a Cangjie lookup index, a radical lookup index, a pinyin lookup index, and maybe even an english lookup up index.

Also to come, a "whole phrase" definition. Currently it only contains single character definitions.

As my calligraphy gets better, future editions may include a sample of my Cao shu or cursive style calligraphy.


Neil Keleher
Neil Keleher

Hi, I'm Neil Keleher

I’ve been a yoga teacher for about 20 years.

I have a degree in systems design engineering from the University of Waterloo.

Prior to that I served for five years in the British army as an armourer.

As a yoga teacher I teach my students how to feel and control their body. In this context I’m like a driving instructor for your body.

One of my other hats is “indexing specialist”. One of my current ongoing projects under this hat is designing an easy to use indexing system for Chinese characters.


  • Quick Index
  • 1 天地玄黃宇宙洪荒
  • 2 日月盈昃辰宿列張
  • 3 寒來暑往秋收冬藏
  • 4 閏餘成歲律呂調陽
  • 5 雲騰致雨露結為霜
  • 6 金生麗水玉出崑岡
  • 7 劍號巨闕珠稱夜光
  • 8 果珍李奈菜重芥薑
  • 9 海鹹河淡鱗潛羽翔
  • 10 龍師火帝鳥官人皇
  • 11 始制文字乃服衣裳
  • 12 推位讓國有虞陶唐
  • 13 弔民伐罪周發殷湯
  • 14 坐朝問道垂拱平章
  • 15 愛育黎首臣伏戎羗
  • 16 遐邇壹體率賓歸王
  • 17 鳴鳳在樹白駒食場
  • 18 化被草木賴及萬方
  • 19 蓋此身髮四大五常
  • 20 恭惟鞠養豈敢毀傷
  • 21 女慕真絜男效才良
  • 22 知過必改得能莫忘
  • 23 罔談彼短靡恃己長
  • 24 信使可覆器欲難量
  • 25 墨悲絲染詩讚羔羊
  • 26 景行維賢克念作聖
  • 27 德建名立形端表正
  • 28 空谷傳聲虛堂習聽
  • 29 禍因惡積褔緣善慶
  • 30 尺璧非寶寸陰是競
  • 31 資父事君曰嚴與敬
  • 32 孝當竭力忠則盡命
  • 33 臨深履薄夙興溫凊
  • 34 似蘭斯馨如松之盛
  • 35 川流不息淵澄取映
  • 36 容止若思言辭安定
  • 37 篤初誠美慎終宜令
  • 38 榮業所基籍甚無竟
  • 39 學優登仕攝職從政
  • 40 存以甘棠去而益詠
  • 41 樂殊貴賤禮別尊卑
  • 42 上和下睦夫唱婦隨
  • 43 外受傅訓入奉母儀
  • 44 諸姑伯叔猶子比兒
  • 45 孔懷兄弟同氣連枝
  • 46 交友投分切磨箴規
  • 47 仁慈隱惻造次弗離
  • 48 節義廉退顛沛匪虧
  • 49 性靜情逸心動神疲
  • 50 守真志滿逐物意移
  • 51 堅持雅操好爵自縻
  • 52 都吧華夏東西二京
  • 53 背邙面洛浮渭據涇
  • 54 官殿盤鬱樓觀飛驚
  • 55 圖寫禽獸畫綵仙靈
  • 56 丙舍傍啟甲帳對楹
  • 57 肆筵設席鼓瑟吹笙
  • 58 升階納陛弁轉疑星
  • 59 右通廣內左達承明
  • 60 既集墳典亦聚群英
  • 61 杜稿鍾隸漆書壁經
  • 62 府羅將相路俠槐卿
  • 63 戶封八縣家給千兵
  • 64 高冠陪輦驅轂振纓
  • 65 世祿侈富車駕肥輕
  • 66 策功茂實勒碑刻銘
  • 67 磻谿伊尹佐時阿衡
  • 68 奄宅曲阜微旦孰營
  • 69 桓公匡合濟弱扶傾
  • 70 綺迴漢惠說感武丁
  • 71 俊乂密勿多士寔宁
  • 72 晉楚更霸趙魏困橫
  • 73 假塗滅虢踐土會盟
  • 74 何遵約法韓弊煩刑
  • 75 起翦頗牧用軍最精
  • 76 宣威沙漠馳譽丹青
  • 77 九州禹跡百郡秦并
  • 78 嶽宗泰岱禪主云亭
  • 79 雁門紫塞雞田赤城
  • 80 昆池碣石鉅野洞庭
  • 81 曠遠緜邈巖岫杳冥
  • 82 治本於農務茲稼穡
  • 83 俶載南畝我藝黍稷
  • 84 稅熟貢新勸賞黜陟
  • 85 孟軻敦素史魚秉直
  • 86 庶幾中庸勞謙謹敕
  • 87 聆音察理鑑貌辯色
  • 88 貽厥嘉猷勉其祇植
  • 89 省躬譏誡寵增抗極
  • 90 殆辱近恥林皋幸即
  • 91 兩疏見機解組誰逼
  • 92 索居閑處沈默寂寥
  • 93 求古尋論散慮逍遙
  • 94 欣奏累遣戚謝歡招
  • 95 渠荷的歷園莽抽條
  • 96 枇杷晚翠梧桐早淍
  • 97 陳根委翳落葉飄颻
  • 98 游鵾獨運淩摩絳霄
  • 99 耽讀翫市寓目囊箱
  • 100 易輶攸畏屬耳垣牆
  • 101 具膳湌飯適口充腸
  • 102 飽飫烹宰饑厭糟糠
  • 103 親戚故舊老少異糧
  • 104 妾御績紡侍巾帷房
  • 105 紈扇員潔銀燭煒煌
  • 106 晝眠夕寐藍筍象牀
  • 107 弦歌酒讌接杯舉觴
  • 108 矯手頓足悅豫且康
  • 109 嫡後嗣續祭祀蒸嘗
  • 110 稽顙再拜悚懼恐惶
  • 111 箋牒簡要顧答審詳
  • 112 骸垢想浴執熱願涼
  • 113 驢騾犢特駭躍超驤
  • 114 誅斬賊盜捕獲叛亡
  • 115 布射遼丸嵇琴阮嘯
  • 116 恬筆倫紙鈞巧任釣
  • 117 釋紛利俗並皆佳妙
  • 118 毛施淑姿工顰妍笑
  • 119 年矢每催羲暉朗曜
  • 120 璇璣懸斡晦魄環照
  • 121 指薪修祜永綏吉劭
  • 122 矩步引頌俯仰廊廟
  • 123 束帶矜莊徘佪瞻眺
  • 124 孤陋寡聞愚蒙等誚
  • 125 謂語助者焉哉乎也
  • Rhymed Index for First Quarter
  • Rhymed Index for Second Quarter
  • Rhymed Index for Third Quarter
  • Rhymed Index for Fourth Quarter
  • Rhymed Index for First 64 Verses
  • Rhymed Index for First 96 Verses
  • Complete Rhymed Index

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