Dream! Hack! Build!
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Dream! Hack! Build!

Unleash citizen-driven innovation with the power of hackathons

About the Book

Drawing from the combined expertise of five distinguished professionals, this book brings together diverse perspectives on hackathon innovation. Ann, founder of Hack for Earth Foundation, joins forces with serial entrepreneur and hackathon expert Love Dager and renowned urban planner Mustafa Sherif. Completing this powerhouse team are Carolina Emanuelson, a leader in talent management, and Kristofer Vernmark, a researcher at Linköping University. Together, they present the groundbreaking "Dream! Hack! Build!" method, equipping you with proven strategies to run successful hackathons and rapidly transform ideas into reality.

The book explains why hackathons are so particularly effective in today’s fast-changing business world. Through real-life examples of citizen-driven innovation, it demonstrates how these events can drive impact and how you can apply them within your own organization. You'll gain insights into how hackathons can address complex problems and foster creative, high-impact solutions.

The authors cover everything from engaging participants and creating urgent challenges to managing teams, mentors, and partners. They show you how to design an acceleration program based on proven start-up success strategies, ensuring that the ideas generated during your hackathon lead to real-world results.

By the end of this book, you'll be well-prepared to lead transformative events that create lasting impact in your field.

About the Author

Packt Publishing Ltd
Packt Publishing Ltd

Packt Publishing are an established global technical learning content provider, founded in Birmingham, UK with over twenty years’ experience in delivering premium rich content from ground-breaking authors on a wide range of emerging and popular technologies. Our titles have global relevance our multimedia portfolio includes over 9,000 books, e-books, audiobooks and video courses. www.packtpub.com

Table of Contents

  1. Redefining the Hackathon Tool
  2. Making Citizen-Driven Innovation Work for You
  3. The Dream! Hack! Build! Method
  4. Creating the Perfect Challenge for Your Hackathon
  5. How to Organize an Impactful Hackathon
  6. Communication and Managing Hacker Teams and Mentors
  7. Partnerships for Success
  8. External Communication and Social Media Presence for Hackathon Success
  9. Taking Citizen-Driven Innovation to the Next Level
  10. Converting Hackathon Results into Real Tools
  11. Build for Earth Learnings – How to Make a Startup a Success Fast

About the Publisher

This book is published on Leanpub by Packt Publishing Ltd

Packt Publishing are an established global technical learning content provider, founded in Birmingham, UK with over twenty years’ experience in delivering premium rich content from ground-breaking authors on a wide range of emerging and popular technologies. Our titles have global relevance our multimedia portfolio includes over 9,000 books, e-books, audiobooks and video courses. www.packtpub.com

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