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About the Book
The Complete ASP.NET Core API Tutorial, (2nd edition), is a practical step-by-step guide on everything needed to: build, test, and deploy an ASP.NET Core API to Azure. In this edition we use .NET Core SDK 3.1
We start with an environment set up, detailing all the tools that you’ll be using to build, test and deploy your API, including but not limited to: .NET Core SDK, (Version 3.1), Visual Studio Code, Git, xUnit, Docker, PostgreSQL, Postman, Azure DevOps and Azure.
From there we cover off some theory on REST, (Representational State Transfer), JSON, (JavaScript Object Notation) as well as the MVC, (Model / View / Controller), architectural pattern.
The rest of the guide is a complete step by step walk through of everything you need to do to code, test and deploy your API - with absolutely no skipping!
About the Author
Les enjoys understanding how things work, proving concepts then telling people about it! He lives and works in Melbourne, Australia but is originally from Glasgow, Scotland. He recently re-obtained an MCSD accreditation after almost a year, so now has more time for writing this blog, making YouTube videos, as well as enjoying the fantastic beer, wine, coffee and food Melbourne has to offer.