Docker for Developers
Docker for Developers
About the Book
Docker For Developers is designed for developers who are looking at Docker as a replacement for development environments like virtualization, or devops people who want to see how to take an exisitng application and integrate Docker into that workflow. This book covers not only how to work with Docker, but how to make Docker work with your application.
You will learn how to work with containers, what they are, and how they can help you as a developer.
You will learn how Docker can make it easier to build, test, and deploy distributed applications. By running Docker and seperating out the different concerns of your application you will have a more robust, scalable application.
You will learn how to use Docker to deploy your application and make it a part of your deployment strategy, helping not only ensure your environments are the same but also making it easier to package and deliver.
The Book
Docker For Developers is designed for developers who are looking at Docker as a replacement for development environments like virtualization, or devops people who want to see how to take an exisitng application and integrate Docker into that workflow. This book covers not only how to work with Docker, but how to make Docker work with your application. You will learn how to work with containers, what they are, and how they can help you as a developer. You will learn how Docker can make it easier to build, test, and deploy distributed applications. By running Docker and seperating out the different concerns of your application you will have a more robust, scalable application. You will learn how to use Docker to deploy your application and make it a part of your deployment strategy, helping not only ensure your environments are the same but also making it easier to package and deliver.
Getting Started
The "Getting Started" package is a great way to get up-to-speed quickly with Docker and still provide a comprehensive guide for how Docker and containers work. These short, information-packed videos will quickly get you running in a Dockerized environment, and the book provides an awesome reference tool. Learn how to get started with Docker, Docker Compose, and set up the tooling and workflow needed for development. **Note, videos are still being added**
Getting Started with Docker
"Getting Started With Docker" is a crash-course in getting running from scratch with Docker and PHP. You'll see how to get started with basic containers, containerize your tooling, then move on to Docker Compose, and moving more complex workflows into Docker. This is a great way to start using Docker in a more real-world setup.
Complete Package
The "Learning Containers" companion video series, which teaches you the ins and outs of using Docker in your development workflow, is is a great bundle to get if you are a more visual learner, as much of the information in the book can now be watched in short, digestible chunks. The videos cover what containers are, how to run them, using them in a development environment, and even how to use Docker Machine, Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm, and can be followed along with the book.
Getting Started with Docker
"Getting Started With Docker" is a crash-course in getting running from scratch with Docker and PHP. You'll see how to get started with basic containers, containerize your tooling, then move on to Docker Compose, and moving more complex workflows into Docker. This is a great way to start using Docker in a more real-world setup.
"Learning Containers" Video Series
Want to learn about Docker, but find videos work better for you? Learn how to use Docker and all of the main concepts of the book in short, easy to watch, DRM free, high definition videos! These videos walk you through learning to use Docker, Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm, setting up your development environment, and even a few tips and tricks for day-to-day Docker usage. As always with Leanpub, as the book is update, the videos will be updated as well.
Table of Contents
- Assumptions
- Style Conventions
- Sample Code
- A Basic Container
- Beyond Basic Containers
- Along Comes Docker
- Why We Should Care as Developers
Getting Started
- Installing Docker
- Running Our First Container
- How Containers Work
Working With Containers
- Images
- Controlling Containers
- Container Data
- Networking
Creating Custom Images
- Dockerfiles
- Building a Custom Image
Docker Compose
- Running Containers
- Testing Scaling
Containerizing Your Application
- Setting up a Compose file
- Running Composer
- PHP Extensions
- Development Tools
- Thinking About Architecture
- Docker Machine
Swarm Mode
- Deploying to Swarm Mode
Dealing with Logs
- Viewing Container Logs
- Application Logs
- Logging Drivers and Remote Logging
- Sample EFK files
Twelve Factor Applications and Containers
- Codebase
- Dependencies
- Configuration
- Backing Services
- Build, Release, Run
- Processes
- Port Binding
- Concurrency
- Disposibility
- Development/Production Parity
- Logs
- Admin Processes
Command Cheatsheets
- Images
- Containers
- docker-machine
- docker-compose
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