Docker Deep Dive
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Docker Deep Dive

Zero to Docker in a single book!

About the Book

Starting from scratch, you'll learn what containers are, how to start them, stop them, and delete them. You'll learn how to run applications in them and manage it all at scale. You'll also learn the theory of how it all works and plugs together behind the scenes so that you don't just know the right commands, but you also know what's going on behind the scenes.

The book is up to date with all of the latest core technologies from Docker, Inc.


About the Author

Nigel Poulton
Nigel Poulton

Nigel is a self confessed technology addict who is hell-bent on creating the best Kubernetes and cloud learning resources on the planet. He's the author of over 16 video training courses at Pluralsight, as well as more at A Cloud Guru, Udemy and more... He's active on Twitter, creates weekly and monthly Kubernetes videos on YouTube, and his website is the best place for links to learn about Kubernetes. When he's not rocking it with Kubernetes, he likes cars and football.

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Table of Contents

    • 0: About the book
  • Part 1: The big picture stuff
    • 1: Containers from 30,000 feet
      • The bad old days
      • Hello VMware!
      • VMwarts
      • Hello Containers!
      • Linux containers
      • Hello Docker!
      • Docker and Windows
      • What about WebAssembly
      • What about Kubernetes
    • 2: Docker and container-related standards and projects
      • Docker
      • Container-related standards and projects
    • 3: Getting Docker
      • Docker Desktop
      • Installing Docker with Multipass
      • Installing Docker on Linux
    • 4: The big picture
      • The Ops Perspective
      • The Dev Perspective
  • Part 2: The technical stuff
    • 5: The Docker Engine
      • Docker Engine – The TLDR
      • The Docker Engine
      • The influence of the Open Container Initiative (OCI)
      • runc
      • containerd
      • Starting a new container (example)
      • What’s the shim all about?
      • How it’s implemented on Linux
    • 6: Working with Images
      • Docker images – The TLDR
      • Intro to images
      • Pulling images
      • Image registries
      • Image naming and tagging
      • Images and layers
      • Pulling images by digest
      • Multi-architecture images
      • Vulnerability scanning with Docker Scout
      • Deleting Images
      • Images – The commands
    • 7: Working with containers
      • Containers – The TLDR
      • Containers vs VMs
      • Images and Containers
      • Check Docker is running
      • Starting a container
      • How containers start apps
      • Connecting to a container
      • Inspecting container processes
      • The docker inspect command
      • Writing data to a container
      • Stopping, restarting, and deleting a container
      • Killing a container’s main process
      • Debugging slim images and containers with Docker Debug
      • Self-healing containers with restart policies
      • Containers – The commands
    • 8: Containerizing an app
      • Containerizing an app – The TLDR
      • Containerize a single-container app
      • Moving to production with multi-stage builds
      • Buildx, BuildKit, drivers, and Build Cloud
      • Multi-architecture builds
      • A few good practices
      • Containerizing an app – The commands
    • 9: Multi-container apps with Compose
      • Docker Compose – The TLDR
      • Compose background
      • Installing Compose
      • The sample app
      • Compose files
      • Deploying apps with Compose – The commands
    • 10: Docker Swarm
      • Docker Swarm – The TLDR
      • Swarm primer
      • Build a secure swarm cluster
      • Docker Swarm – The Commands
    • 11: Deploying apps with Docker Stacks
      • Deploying apps with Docker Stacks – The TLDR
      • Build a Swarm lab
      • The sample app
      • Deploy the app
      • Managing the app
      • Deploying apps with Docker Stacks – The Commands
    • 12: Docker and WebAssembly
      • Pre-reqs
      • Intro to Wasm and Wasm containers
      • Write a Wasm app
      • Containerize a Wasm app
      • Run a Wasm container
      • Clean up
      • Chapter summary
    • 13: Docker Networking
      • Docker Networking – The TLDR
      • Docker networking theory
      • Single-host bridge networks
      • External access via port mappings
      • Docker Networking – The Commands
    • 14: Docker overlay networking
      • Docker overlay networking – The TLDR
      • Docker overlay networking history
      • Building and testing Docker overlay networks
      • Overlay networks explained
      • Docker overlay networking – The commands
    • 15: Volumes and persistent data
      • Volumes and persistent data – The TLDR
      • Containers without volumes
      • Containers with volumes
      • Volumes and persistent data – The Commands
    • 16: Docker security
      • Docker security – The TLDR
      • Kernel Namespaces
      • Control Groups
      • Capabilities
      • Mandatory Access Control systems
      • seccomp
      • Docker security technologies
      • Swarm security
      • Docker Scout and vulnerability scanning
      • Signing and verifying images with Docker Content Trust
      • Docker Secrets
    • What next
    • Terminology
    • Index

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