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About the Book
Readers will learn discrete mathematical abstracts as well as its implementation in algorithm and data structures.
I have shown examples using various programming languages.
I have used as C, C++, PHP, Java, C#, Python and Dart. This book combines two major components of Mathematics and Computer Science under one roof.
Firstly, without the core conceptions and tools derived from discrete mathematics, one cannot understand the abstract or the general idea involving algorithm and data structures in Computer Science.
Secondly, the objects of data structures are basically objects of discrete mathematics.
As a result, this book tries to bridge the gap between two major components of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Finally, in any computer science course, studying discrete mathematics is essential, although they are taught separately.
Certainly, there is exception and that proves the rule. Yet, a comprehensive book, combining these two major components, is hard to find out.
Not only that, it is almost impossible to understand one without the help of other.
Consequently, I hope, this book will fill the gap.
Therefore, readers will learn discrete mathematical abstracts as well as its implementation in algorithm and data structures.
Since readers use different programming languages, I try to show examples in different programming languages.
I have used C, C++, PHP, Java, C#, Python and Dart. However, another very basic concept of programing language has motivated me to use such disparate languages.
After all, basic concepts are same in every language. Especially the algorithm and data structure concepts. Although the syntax is different.
As this book combines two major components of Computer Science under one roof, I hope students of Computer Science may find some food for thought.
The book covers the following chapters, you see below, although it’s quite tentative, as it might change a little bit while writing the book.
About the Author
Armchair Polymath, Knowing Nothing. Freak, Split. In an absurd journey. Nowhere 2 Nowhere. Sanjib Sinha no longer writes tech. Sanjib Deb Sinha writes Fiction.