Development Environment Development
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Development Environment Development

An infinite field of recursive rabbit-holes

About the Book

Significant chunks of software engineering consist of making a computer understand an idea you've had. This isn't always writing code. Sometimes it's pressing alt-tab fifteen times to find the window you want. Other times it's browsing man find for the hundredth time. Yet other times the problem is not even the translation into computer-speak - it's formulating intentions clearly enough to qualify for translation at all. This book walks through the major components of a well-built development environment, aiming to also provide general techniques applicable to any technology.

About the Author

Zoltán Nagy
Zoltán Nagy

Zoltán - or Abesto, if you're online or don't like accents - is irrationally excited about cool and crazy technologies like Haskell, the Fish shell, and Spacemacs. His super-power is producing results with a keyboard that befuddle the other half of the pair-programming pair. "How did you make that function go down there and extract that variable and run the unit tests and commit with three keypresses?" - "C-c M-c M-butterfly" - "I saw you press f, not t!" - "Colemak".

Table of Contents

    • Acknowledgement
  • Preface
    • The Pitch
    • Who is This Book For?
      • What Technologies are Covered?
    • How to Read This Book
    • About the Author
    • What to Expect from this Book
    • Conventions Used
  • Appetizer
    • Identifying your Motivation
    • Mindfulness Applies Everywhere
    • Supercharging your Shell
      • What’s a Shell?
      • What’s a Shell Alias?
      • Persisting Aliases
      • When Aliases are Not Enough
      • Aliases: A Case-Study
      • Also Try
    • Version Control
      • Considerations for Your dotfiles Repository
      • Links
    • Automating Environment Setup
      • Shell Scripts
      • A Step Up from Shell Scripts: Babushka
      • More Power: Ansible
      • Making a Choice
  • Main Course
    • Editors and IDEs: Choosing and Customizing
      • Vim – Ultimate Editing Speed
      • Emacs – Ultimate Customization
      • Sublime Text – Immediately Cool
      • Atom – Like Sublime, Except
      • JetBrains – The Big Guns (IntelliJ and friends)
      • Making a Choice
    • Picking an Operating System
      • macOS, the Safe Option
      • Linux: Introduction and Context
      • The Magical World of Linux Distributions
      • Ubuntu: Beginner-Friendly and Stable
      • Arch Linux: Minimal, Always Up to Date
      • Linux: The Rest
    • Interlude: Finding Answers on the Internet
      • Framing the Search Query
      • Pinpointing the Actual Problem
      • Beware the A-B Problem
      • Asking Questions the Smart Way
      • Evaluating and Using Answers
    • Terminal Emulators - What and Why
      • macOS: Terminal and iTerm2
      • Linux: Choices, Choices
      • Conclusion
    • Command-Line Productivity
      • Get the Most Out of Standard *nix Tools
      • The Shiny, the Featureful, the Modern
      • Advanced Shell Usage
  • Dessert
      • What’s a “symlink”?
      • Anatomy of a Linux System
      • Properly Trusting Messages with GPG
  • That’s all he wrote
  • Notes

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