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A Guide To Modern Software Delivery

About the Book

Everything that a team lead needs to know when working on a Delivery Project.

This is a language agnostic set of techniques for developing and maintaining a software project.

About the Author

Christopher Eyre
Christopher Eyre

I am a Software Craftsman, at Codurance, with 25 years experience across a range of industries.

My focus is on creating systems that can be reasoned about.

Previously I was the Platform Architect at Pottermore.

In my spare time I mentor Elixir on Exercism

Reader Testimonials

Andre Guelfi
Andre Guelfi

Development A Guide To Modern Software Delivery

I found this book to be an excellent reading, the book is very concise and covers a big breadth of subjects and areas. It's one of those books that you can always have close for when you need to search about a subject. Also this book is really good to have has: 1. A checklist for good practices, and to see what you are doing. 2. A Starting point for a subject that you don't know about.

Tim Austin
Tim Austin


Hey, just wanted to say, I read through your book, there's a lot of really great pearls there that I hope to make better use of. Thanks for taking the time to write them down!

Table of Contents

1 Development

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Thanks

1.3 The New Team Lead

1.4 You Can’t Do Everything At Once

1.5 Shattered Focus

1.6 Know Your Numbers

1.7 Know Your Clients Business Model

1.8 Know Your Team

2 Development Practices

2.1 Principles for Effective Delivery

2.2 Be The Change You Want To See

2.3 No Broken Builds

2.4 Taming Dependabot

2.5 Merge Small Commits

2.6 Refactor Ruthlessly

2.7 No Dead Code

2.8 Small Fast Feedback

2.9 Read The Error Message

2.10 Leave A Broken Test

2.11 All Bugs Are Missing Tests

3 Team Practices

3.1 Today I Learned

3.2 One Week Sprints

3.3 Why Are We Building This

3.4 Why We Pair

3.5 Automate Everything

3.6 When Should We Upgrade?

3.7 Ubiquitous Language

3.8 Bug Category Theory

3.9 Reduce Your Tech Surface Area

3.10 Standard Project Structure

3.11 Keeping the Team Happy

4 Dev Ops

4.1 Logging, Alerting, Monitoring and Auditing

4.2 Use Timing Log Statements

4.3 Know What Normal Looks Like

4.4 Health Checks

4.5 Fighting Fires

4.6 Fire Breaks

4.7 Clean Logs

4.8 You Built It, You Support It

4.9 Know Your Dependencies

4.10 Check Dependencies On Startup

4.11 Support Incidents

4.12 Alerts Should Be Actions

4.13 Integrate Frequently

4.14 Stages in a Build Pipeline

4.15 Non Functional Requirements

4.16 Migrating a Required Service

5 Sufficient Documentation

5.1 Standard Operating Procedures

5.2 Diagrams

5.3 Central Documentation

6 Testing Techniques

6.1 Visual Regression Tests

6.2 Test Your Mocks

6.3 Performance Tests

6.4 Property Based Testing

6.5 See The Test Fail

7 Cloud Infrastructure

7.1 Cloud Components

7.2 Content Delivery Networks

7.3 Cloud Economics and Developer Time

7.4 Caching

7.5 Monitor Your Bills

7.6 Architecture and Cost Control

7.7 Rely on Load Balancers

7.8 Microservices

8 Real Politics

8.1 Good Neighbours

8.2 Unreliable Third Parties

8.3 The Customer Is Always Right

8.4 It Is Who You Know

8.5 Change The Company You Work For

8.6 Value of Knowledge

8.7 Fast Knowledge Transfer

8.8 Level of Detail

8.9 Non Negotiable

8.10 Ordered Priorities

9 Strategy

9.1 The MVP Fallacy

9.2 When to Buy vs Build

9.3 Only Customise A Little

9.4 Lean On The Compiler

9.5 Allow Unexpected Things To Fail

9.6 Keep Things Small

9.7 Give Regular Updates

9.8 What Are We Building Next

9.9 How To Determine Value

9.10 Experiments

9.11 Deploy Slowly

9.12 Theory Of Constraints

9.13 Impact Mapping

9.14 Wardley Maps

10 A Delivery Process

10.1 How We Built the Magic

10.2 Prioritisation or The Hunger Games

10.3 Planning

10.4 Sprint Events

10.5 Timeout Bell

10.6 Gold Cards

10.7 Working on Stories

10.8 Acceptance Criteria

10.9 Support Rota

10.10 Five Whys

10.11 Ops board

10.12 Deployment Process

11 Glossary

11.1 Acceptance Criteria

11.2 Continuous Integration

11.3 Continuous Delivery

11.4 Convention over Configuration

11.5 Delivery Team

11.6 Migration

11.7 Mock

11.8 Pull Request

11.9 Semantic Versioning

11.10 Story Point

12 Reading List

13 Index

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