Developing with Angular
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Developing with Angular

About the Book

This book gives you a broad practical overview of the Angular framework and related modern web technologies. It provides the guidance for the process of web component development that includes Angular and Angular CLI, TypeScript and ES6, applications bundling with Webpack, and other essentials.

About the Author

Denys Vuika
Denys Vuika

More that 16 years of software programming experience. I love coding both during hours and at spare time. Living in London with a beautiful wife and two kids. Working as an applications platform developer at Alfresco, and enjoying Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript and Node.js on a daily basis.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Book Revision
    • Book progress
    • Code examples
    • Feedback, Bug Reports and Suggestions
    • Other publications
    • Testimonials
  • Prerequisites
    • Node
    • Visual Studio Code
      • Recommended extensions
      • Hiding files
  • ES6
    • Classes
    • Inheritance
    • Arrow Functions
      • Expression Bodies
      • Statement Bodies
      • Lexical this
    • Template Literals
    • Extended Parameter Handling
      • Default Parameter Values
      • Rest Parameter
      • Spread Operator
    • Destructuring assignment
      • Basic example
      • Array destructuring
        • Value assignment
        • Default values
        • Swapping values
        • Skipping values
        • Grouping tail values into a single variable
      • Object destructuring
        • Unpacking properties
        • Renaming properties
        • Default values
        • Unpacking methods
        • Renaming methods
      • Using with function parameters
        • IDE support
    • Modules
      • Exporting and Importing Values
      • Default Values
      • Wildcard Export
    • See also
  • TypeScript
    • Getting Started with TypeScript
      • Installing TypeScript
      • Using tsc
      • Typings
      • Linting
        • tslint
    • TypeScript Features
      • Types
        • Basic Types
        • Arrays
        • Enum
        • Any
        • Void
      • Classes
        • Properties
        • Setters and Getters
        • Methods
          • Return values
          • Method parameters
          • Optional parameters
          • Default parameters
          • Rest Parameters and Spread Operator
        • Constructors
        • Inheritance
        • Access Modifiers
          • Public
          • Private
          • Protected
      • Interfaces
      • Abstract Classes
      • Modules
        • Module Loaders
        • Running at server side
        • Running in browser
      • Decorators
        • Class Decorators
          • Decorators with parameters
          • Multiple decorators
        • Method Decorators
        • Accessor Decorators
        • Property Decorators
        • Parameter Decorators
  • Angular CLI
    • Installing
    • Your first application
    • Running application
    • Code Linting
    • Unit tests
    • Code coverage
    • Development and Production builds
    • Using blueprints
    • Creating modules
      • Assigning components to modules
    • Routing support
    • Generating standalone scripts
  • Components
    • Creating a simple component
    • Generating components with Angular CLI
    • Component metadata
    • Templates
      • Inline templates
      • External templates
    • Styles
      • Inline styles
      • External styles
    • Input properties
    • Output events
      • Raising events
      • Handling events
      • Typed events
      • Accessing event parameters
      • Aliased outputs
    • Providers
    • Host
      • CSS class
      • Host events
      • Host attributes
      • Host properties
    • Queries
      • Preparing the project
      • @ViewChild
      • @ViewChildren
      • @ContentChild
      • @ContentChildren
      • Listening for View and Content changes
    • Component Lifecycle
      • ngOnChanges
      • ngOnInit
      • ngDoCheck
      • ngAfterContentInit
      • ngAfterContentChecked
      • ngAfterViewInit
      • ngAfterViewChecked
      • ngOnDestroy
        • Cleaning up subscriptions
    • Content Projection
      • ng-container directive
      • Projecting single entity
        • Supporting external content
      • Projecting multiple entities
        • Projecting with CSS selectors
        • Projecting with Component selectors
          • Fallback content
  • Dependency Injection
    • Preparing a project
    • Services
      • Creating LogService
      • Injecting and using LogService
    • Providers
      • Using a class
      • Using a class factory
        • Class factories with dependencies
      • Using @Inject decorator
      • Using a value
      • Using an alias
    • Injection Tokens
      • Type tokens
      • String tokens
      • Generic InjectionToken
    • Injecting multiple instances
    • Optional dependencies
    • Manual injection with ReflectiveInjector
    • Summary
  • Events
    • Component events
      • Bubbling up child events
    • DOM events
    • Service events
  • Directives
    • Introduction
    • Attribute Directives
      • Handling host events
      • Host members binding
        • Binding element attributes
        • Binding element properties
        • Binding style attributes
        • Binding class names
      • Built-in attribute directives
        • NgStyle
        • NgClass
          • Binding to String Expression (single):
          • Binding to String Expression (space delimited)
          • Binding to Object Literal
          • Binding to Array
        • NgNonBindable
    • Structural Directives
      • Built-in structural directives
        • NgIf
        • NgFor
          • Binding to arrays
          • Binding to class properties or functions
          • Using exported variables
          • Improving performance with trackBy
        • NgSwitch
      • Creating a Structural Directive
    • Modifying host element layout
  • Walkthrough: Upload Directive
  • Pipes
    • Introduction
    • Pipes with Parameters
    • Chaining Pipes
    • Built-in Pipes
      • UpperCase
      • LowerCase
      • TitleCase
      • Date
        • Custom formatting rules
        • Predefined formatting rules
      • Decimal
      • Currency
      • Percent
      • Json
      • Slice
        • Using with Arrays
        • Using with Strings
      • I18nSelect
      • I18nPlural
      • Async
        • Using with NgFor directive
        • Using with Date object
    • Custom Pipes
      • Implementing Custom Pipe
    • Pure And Impure Pipes
      • Preparing Project
      • Pure Pipes
      • Impure Pipes
  • Global Application Configuration
    • Preparing the configuration file
    • Creating the configuration service
    • Loading server-side configuration file
    • Registering configuration service
    • Using configuration settings
  • Internationalisation (i18n)
    • Creating Translate Service
    • Creating Translate Pipe
    • Using Translate Pipe
    • Switching languages
    • Summary
  • Advanced Angular
    • Dynamic Content in Angular
      • List item templates
        • List component
        • Row templates
        • Typical use cases
      • Dynamic Components
        • Runtime context
        • Typical use cases
      • Runtime Compilation
        • Binding events
        • Typical use cases
    • Plugins
      • Preparing new project
      • Building components based on string names
        • Loading configuration from external sources
      • Dynamically changing application routes
      • External plugins
        • Extension decorator
        • Creating a Plugins Core library
        • Creating an example Plugin library
        • Extra libraries and dependencies
        • Providing dependencies for your plugins
        • Loading plugins into the Application
        • Setting plugin properties at runtime
        • Dynamic Routes with plugin content
      • Summary
  • Reusable Component Libraries
    • Creating new application
    • Creating component libraries
    • Building the packages
    • Publishing to NPM
    • Integrating with the application
    • See also
  • Using with Docker
    • Additional Resources
    • Preparing new project
    • Creating Dockerfile
    • Testing in a container
    • Creating docker-compose.yml
    • Publishing to Docker Hub
    • Consuming from Docker Hub
    • Automating with Travis
      • See also
  • Webpack
    • Initial project structure
    • Typescript configuration
    • Basic webpack setup
      • Enabling source maps
      • Simple Angular application
      • Generating index page
      • Development server
      • Start command with NPM
      • Fixing Angular warnings
      • Testing source maps
    • Advanced webpack setup
      • External Html templates
      • External CSS styles
      • Loading images
      • TSLint
    • Unit testing
      • Code coverage
    • Code splitting
      • Multiple configurations
        • Development mode
        • Production mode
      • CSS splitting
      • Vendor code splitting
  • Building a Mobile App with Cordova and Angular
    • Installing command-line tools
    • Generating a new Cordova App
      • Adding the Browser platform
      • Adding the iOS platform
    • Generating a new Angular App
      • Build scripts
      • Running Angular in the Browser
      • Running Angular in the iOS emulator
    • Routing support
      • Routing in the iOS emulator
    • Summary
  • Changelog
    • Revision 16 (2018-10-23)
    • Revision 15 (2018-06-03)
    • Revision 14 (2018-04-08)
    • Revision 13 (2018-02-12)
    • Revision 12 (2017-12-17)
    • Revision 11 (2017-12-03)
    • Revision 10 (2017-11-12)
    • Revision 9 (2017-10-15)
    • Revision 8 (2017-09-17)
    • Revision 7 (2017-09-14)
    • Revision 6 (2017-08-24)
    • Revision 5 (2017-08-13)
    • Revision 4 (2017-07-22)
    • Revision 3 (2017-07-09)
    • Revision 2 (2017-07-02)
    • Revision 1 (2017-06-09)

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