Developer Hegemony
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Developer Hegemony

The Future of Labor

About the Book

This book grew out of the overwhelmingly positive response to posts on my blog about the career-oriented side of software development. I see a future in which software developers carve out more autonomy and leverage for ourselves and where software development goes from being seen as line level grunt work to a first class, knowledge work profession. In this book, I talk about how ill-suited the existing corporate structure is to knowledge work and to software development, and then I talk about how I think we're headed for a brighter future and how I think we can get there more quickly.

About the Author

Erik Dietrich
Erik Dietrich

I'm Erik Dietrich, founder of DaedTech LLC, programmer, architect, IT management consultant, blogger, and technologist.

About the Contributors

Amanda Muledy
Amanda Muledy


Table of Contents

    • Introductory Notes
    • More info after reading
    • Other books by me
  • Part 1: A Fictional Not-So-Distant Future
    • Chapter 1: Wednesday Morning
    • Chapter 2: Wednesday Afternoon
    • Chapter 3: Wednesday Night
    • Chapter 4: Thursday Morning
    • Chapter 5: Thursday Night
  • Part 2: The Nature of the Game
    • Chapter 6: You Are Here
    • Chapter 7: The Corporate Cave
    • Chapter 8: Growing Up
    • Chapter 9: Cynical Theories of Management
    • Chapter 10: Defining the Hierarchy (With Less Cynicism)
    • Chapter 11: Interviews, Induction, and Nonsense
    • Chapter 12: The Bad Economics of Pragmatism
    • Chapter 13: The Worse Economics of Idealism
    • Chapter 14: The Lonely Profit of Opportunism
    • Chapter 15: Faux Ownership—Managers and Owners
    • Chapter 16: The Cult of Hours
    • Chapter 17: Performance Reviews and Advancement Theater
    • Chapter 18: Your Company Doesn’t Care About You
  • Part 3: The History of the Game
    • Chapter 19: Less Than the Sum of Its Parts
    • Chapter 20: Legacy—Ancient Corporations
    • Chapter 21: Influence—Medieval Corporations
    • Chapter 22: Gestalt—Mercantilism
    • Chapter 23: Barriers to Entry—Industrial Revolution
    • Chapter 24: Layered Organizations—Taylorism
    • Chapter 25: Ubiquity—Organized Labor
    • Chapter 26: Anachronism—Rise of Knowledge Work
  • Part 4: How to Win the Game
    • Chapter 27: Succeeding in the Corporate World, Such as It Is
    • Chapter 28: Pragmatists Succeed with Alternate Narratives
    • Chapter 29: Idealists Succeed with Merged Identity
    • Chapter 30: Opportunists Become Other
    • Chapter 31: The Realpolitik Tragedy of Corporate Scrum
    • Chapter 32: The Programmer’s Escape Plan
    • Chapter 33: Avoiding the Delivery Trap
    • Chapter 34: Partnership and Transcending the Realpolitik Glass Ceiling
    • Chapter 35: Avoiding Carnival Cash
    • Chapter 36: The Art of No
    • Chapter 37: Advancement
    • Chapter 38: The Madness of it All
  • Part 5: How to Stop Playing Games
    • Chapter 39: Where We Go from Here
    • Chapter 40: The Coming Crunch
    • Chapter 41: Studies in Success—Those Who’ve Already Won
    • Chapter 42: Building a Composite—Developer Ubermensch
    • Chapter 43: The Developer Ubermensch is a Businessperson
    • Chapter 44: Developers Becoming Efficiencers to Take Control
    • Chapter 45: Turning App Dev Firms into Efficiencer Firms
    • Chapter 46: Anatomy of the Efficiencer Firm
    • Chapter 47: Becoming an Efficiencer and Joining an Efficiencer Firm
    • Chapter 48: But How Do We Fix Non-Efficiencer Corporations?
    • Chapter 49: Concrete, Immediate Steps You Can Take to Become an Efficiencer
    • Chapter 50: Full Circle—The Fate of Pragmatists, Idealists, and Opportunists
    • Chapter 51: What This Looks Like, Long Term
    • What Now?
    • Appendix A

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