Developer Evangelism for Developers
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Developer Evangelism for Developers

About the Book

Over the years more and more developers have decided to pursue Developer Evangelism. For many, they see the opportunity to give back to the community, go to conferences, and be on the verge of the latest technology.

But what exactly does a Developer Evangelist do, and how can you prepare for your journey while avoiding the common pitfalls - including company politics and burnout?

In this book, industry leader Michael Stowe shares his experience, including what you should know before pursuing Developer Relations, and best practices to ensure you will be successful.

About the Authors

Nomad PHP
Nomad PHP

Nomad PHP provides professional level training for developers with our all-inclusive subscription packages. With Nomad PHP developers can stream live PHP conferences, monthly talks, watch hundreds of videos on demand, read books online, obtain certifications, and more.

Learn more at

Mike Stowe
Mike Stowe

Michael Stowe is a professional, Zend Certified Engineer with over 15 years experience building applications for law enforcement, the medical field, nonprofits, and numerous industrial companies. Over the last seven years he has been focused on API design and ways to improve industry standards, speaking at numerous API conferences worldwide and being published across numerous publications. Michael helped move the industry to a design-first mentality coining Spec Driven Development and pushing the use of API specifications.

Michael has worked with numerous companies to help them build their API strategies, including some of the largest and best known brands worldwide. While at MuleSoft he helped develop MuleSoft’s API strategy, before moving to RingCentral where he was part of the team that received numerous API awards including API Nordics Best Public API 2018.

When not focusing on API design and Developer Experience, Michael spends his time with his fiancee, pretending to be a movie buff, being constantly harassed by his two cats, losing terribly in Call of Duty, organizing community events, and working on Nomad PHP.

You can learn more about Michael on his website at or follow him on Twitter @mikegstowe.

Table of Contents

  • Preface..................................5
  • What is Developer Evangelism?...............6
  • So what is a Developer Evangelist?..........10
  • How do you do it all?.......................19
  • You WILL be fired...........................21
  • Still here?.................................22
  • .
  • Taking the first steps...................23
  • Get involved................................24
  • Be social...................................27
  • Grow your skills............................28
  • Share what you learn with others............30
  • Build your portfolio........................49
  • Create your resume..........................51
  • Apply, apply, apply.........................59
  • .
  • Preparing for the interview............. 61
  • Sample interview questions..................65
  • DevRel questions you might see..............66
  • Personal questions you might see............82
  • Technical questions you might see...........90
  • After the interview.........................99
  • .
  • .
  • Upcoming Chapters
  • Marketing for Developers....................[INCOMPLETE]
  • Creating a DevRel strategy..................[INCOMPLETE]
  • Building developer documentation............[INCOMPLETE]
  • Building a strong ecosystem.................[INCOMPLETE]
  • Organizing and managing events..............[INCOMPLETE]
  • Sharing your successes......................[INCOMPLETE]
  • Evangelist Checklist........................[INCOMPLETE]
  • Resources...................................[INCOMPLETE]

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