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About the Book
Industrial design was the leverage of Steve Jobs’ strategy to turn Apple around in 1997. After launch of iMac, it rose from <$5 in 1997 to $12+ in 1998 to $35+ in 2000, a ~600+% jump in ~3 years. Design-driven companies have outperformed the S&P Index by 228% over 10 year - DMI (Design Management Institute). Companies that foster creativity enjoy 1.5 times greater market share. 50% of design-led companies report more loyal customers. – Adobe.
Through this eBook, you will learn a pragmatic approach to understanding the fundamental principles, strategies and tools for design thinking. Learn how you can articulate the business value of investing in building a great UX and measure its effectiveness. This eBook enables you to integrate your education with your work so you can apply, iterate, and innovate on the job and boost your immediate and long-term outcomes. My mission is to provide high-quality content at affordable price. This eBook provides a high level overview on the following topics -
• What do you stand to lose in the absence of good design
• How design enabled Apple's turnaround story in 1997
• How do you design something really well
• How do you solve the most pressing problems for your customers
• How does user centered design work
• How to improve usability by leveraging design best practices
• How rapid prototyping helps save time, cost, effort
• How to measure the quality of UX and goals of the product
• What are the must read books on UX
• What are the more interesting TED talks on UX
• Most successful startups pivot
• What are some of the good tools for UX design
Rapid prototyping is a low-tech trial to solve problem for your first few customers as fast as possible, using a rough or low fidelity item. The Pinocchio Technique – creating a ‘wooden’ mockup of your idea. Invest in the optimal rapid prototyping option and tool to build a minimal viable product (MVP) for running low fidelity experiments in front of your customers. This eBook covers nine rapid prototyping options, including -
• Sketches
• Paper Prototype
• Storyboard / Wireframes
• User Interface (UI) Mockups
• Partial Code Prototype
• Quick Code Prototype
• Video Demo
• Quality Code Prototype
This eBook also provides a high level overview of different tools available for rapid prototyping of UI+UX. This eBook covers WHAT options and tools are available for rapid prototyping of UI+UX. Currently, this eBook does NOT cover HOW to use these tools. It's becoming easier and easier to create Web sites and mobile apps. But harder and harder to measure the effectiveness of these applications. This eBook covers how to measure the effectiveness of UX using Google's HEART framework and Goals-Signals-Metrics (GSM) process.
Better products or a superior customer service are no longer enough to stand out. Technology has lowered barriers for entry and, with that, provoked a new era of competition. According to John Maeda, design partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, the solution is to become a design-led company. Design-led companies invest heavily in powerful customer experiences – a key element to tackle if you want to get your customers’ attention and motivate them to keep coming back.
Who should read this eBook
• Business Heads
• Consultants, Marketing Managers
• Entrepreneurs, Educators, Evangelists
• Program Managers, Product Managers, Analysts
• UI/UX Designers
There's a lot of good knowledge packed inside this eBook, so hesitate no more! Learn more about fundamental principles, strategies, tools for design thinking today! I'll see you inside the eBook. Thank you.
About the Author
An MIT Fellow, worked for Microsoft for 14 years, co-authored 17 technical books (including 4 best sellers Oracle8 Bible, IIS Exam Cram, IIS Exam Prep, VB6 OOP)
I would describe myself as a customer centric thought leader. I like to think big, fail fast and learn from that failure to iterate to success. I like to work backwards from what the customer might think or want in deciding what to do with the product or service. Deep insight into what drives customer loyalty and trust should be more important than a deep understanding of competitive strengths and weaknesses, market trends, or technology. I enjoy wearing a lot of different hats and figuring it out on my own.
I have global experience in technical product & content strategy, development, evangelism & cross-functional program management
I am an invited keynote speaker at premier academia institutes & conferences across India, including IIT, BITS, IIIT, NIIT, IIM, ISB
In my amazing 14 years at the fast paced culture of Microsoft, I strategized and implemented the vision and roadmap for engineering development of Microsoft’s internal products (enterprise applications) to make it a showcase across the industry influencing revenue for India subsidiary to the tune of $.5B
Won 27 awards (15 individual & 12 team) at Microsoft, including awards by Microsoft India Chairman (twice), Microsoft IT CIO (twice), Microsoft Global Circle of Excellence Finalist, Microsoft Global Educonnect All Star, Microsoft Engineering India Wall of Fame for pioneering different programs, delivering consistently and exceeding targets YoY
I am an avid reader on a variety of topics including emerging technology, design thinking and entrepreneurship