Designing the Human Business
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Designing the Human Business

Leveraging Design Thinking to craft powerful and innovative business models

About the Book

Globally, 275,000 new business ventures get launched every single day, and ninety percent of them fail. One of the most fundamental reasons for that is that they don’t solve a real market problem that a real market population has, in a way that resonates with that market and sells their solution. Consequently, they struggle to gain traction and attain scale.

In this book, you’ll learn what business models are. Additionally, you’ll find out what business model innovation is and, ultimately, how to use Design Thinking to identify not just a winning value proposition but also bring that value proposition to the market in a way that resonates with customers. In doing so, you’ll be able to unlock maximum value for your business, allowing it to attain maximum scale through growing waves of adopters.

By the end of this book, you’ll understand what you need to do to uncover your target markets’ ‘reason to buy’, as well as how to wrap a winning business model around that reason so that your business can gain traction and achieve scale.

About the Author

Packt Publishing Ltd
Packt Publishing Ltd

Packt Publishing are an established global technical learning content provider, founded in Birmingham, UK with over twenty years’ experience in delivering premium rich content from ground-breaking authors on a wide range of emerging and popular technologies. Our titles have global relevance our multimedia portfolio includes over 9,000 books, e-books, audiobooks and video courses.

Table of Contents

  1. The Value Machine – What a Business Model Is
  2. Cogs in the Machine – What Makes Up a Business Model
  3. Going a New Route – What Business Model Innovation Is
  4. A Matter of Reason – When, Where, and Why Business Model Innovation Is Needed
  5. The Master Designer – How to Dissect Business Models and Develop New and Better Ones
  6. The Business Model Toolbox – An Evolution of Tools for Business Model Innovation
  7. Thinking Like a Designer
  8. Thinking Like a Scientist – Centering Our Design around Humans
  9. Acting Like a Designer – The Design Thinking Process in Application
  10. Working the Problem Space – Up and Down the Mountain
  11. Intermission
  12. Working the Solution Space – Up and Down the Next Mountain
  13. Design Thinking's Final Act (So Far) – Our New Solution
  14. Back to Business Model Innovation – à la Design Thinking
  15. Execution - Bringing Our Business Model to Life
  16. The Final Outcome – Consistent Ongoing Success

About the Publisher

This book is published on Leanpub by Packt Publishing Ltd

Packt Publishing are an established global technical learning content provider, founded in Birmingham, UK with over twenty years’ experience in delivering premium rich content from ground-breaking authors on a wide range of emerging and popular technologies. Our titles have global relevance our multimedia portfolio includes over 9,000 books, e-books, audiobooks and video courses.

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