Designing and Training Large Language Models
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Designing and Training Large Language Models

About the Book

About the Author

Table of Contents

    • Editor’s Note
      • The Ioka Project
      • Copyrights
      • Notes on Current Edition
    • Preface
      • Introduction to Large Language Models: Unraveling the Complexity and Mastery of AI’s Linguistic Architects
      • Introduction to the relevance of large language models.
      • Overview of the book’s goals and structure.
      • Target audience and required prior knowledge.
      • The treatment of this section aims to ensure that readers from diverse backgrounds feel adequately guided and supported as they embark on the enriching journey that the book promises.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to Large Language Models
      • Chapter Introduction: The Evolution and Essence of Large Language Models
      • Definition of language models.
      • Understanding the importance of scale.
      • Brief overview of applications.
      • The evolution from rule-based to statistical, to neural network-based language models.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 2: A Brief History of Language Modeling
      • Introduction to The Transformation of Computational Linguistics and Language Modeling
      • Early computational linguistic efforts.
      • Emergence of statistical methods.
      • The deep learning revolution.
      • Milestones: From RNNs and LSTMs to the Transformer architecture.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 3: Foundations of Neural Networks and Deep Learning
      • Introduction to Foundations of Neural Networks, Deep Learning, and Language Models
      • Introduction to artificial neural networks.
      • Backpropagation and gradient descent.
      • Deep Dive Deep Learning
      • Deep Dive Transformer
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 4: The Transformer Revolution
      • Introduction to Transformer Models and Large Language Models in NLP
      • Deep dive into the Transformer architecture.
      • title: “In-Depth Examination of the Transformer Model”
      • Self-attention and positional encoding.
      • BERT, GPT, and their successors.
      • Comparisons of the Transformer with prior models.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 5: Understanding Large Language Models
      • Introduction to Large Language Models: Structure, Training, and Assessment
      • Defining ‘large’: parameters, layers, and model size.
      • Data requirements for training.
      • The role of transfer learning and fine-tuning.
      • Evaluation metrics for language models.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 6: Tools and Frameworks
      • Introduction to Programming Languages, Libraries, Frameworks, and Hardware for Large Language Models
      • Overview of programming languages: Python, C++, others.
      • Libraries and frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Hugging Face Transformers.
      • Hardware considerations: GPUs, TPUs.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 7: Data Collection and Processing
      • Introduction to Dataset and Preprocessing Essentials for Large Language Models
      • Principles of dataset creation.
      • Text cleaning and tokenization.
      • Handling bias and ethics in training data.
      • Techniques for efficient data storage and retrieval.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 8: Model Training and Optimization
      • Chapter Introduction: Fine-Tuning the Giants - Training and Optimization of Large Language Models
      • Initialization and configuration of large models.
      • Optimization algorithms: SGD, Adam, LAMB.
      • Techniques for faster convergence: learning rate schedules, warm-up.
      • Handling overfitting: dropout, regularization.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 9: Distributed and Parallel Training
      • Introduction to the Chapter on Distributed and Parallel Training for Large Language Models
      • Introduction to distributed training.
      • Data parallelism vs. model parallelism.
      • Efficient utilization of hardware resources.
      • Challenges and solutions for synchronous and asynchronous updates.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 10: Fine-tuning and Transfer Learning
      • Chapter Introduction: Optimizing Linguistic Versatility in Large Language Models through Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning
      • Principles of transfer learning.
      • Techniques and strategies for fine-tuning models.
      • Case studies and examples.
      • The balance between generalization and specialization.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 11: Case Studies of Known Large Language Models
      • Introduction to Large Language Models - Analysis, Case Studies, and Domain-Specific Adaptations
      • Complete list of known large models: GPT-3, BERT, RoBERTa, T5, etc.
      • Breakdown of similarities and differences.
      • Analysis of use cases and domain-specific adaptations.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 12: Ethical Considerations and Societal Impact
      • Introduction to Ethical and Societal Aspects of AI
      • Bias and fairness in language models.
      • Misuse potential: deep fakes, misinformation.
      • Regulatory and ethical frameworks.
      • Sustainable AI and environmental considerations.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 13: The Future of Language Models
      • Introduction to Language Model Predictions and Architectures
      • Predictions for the future.
      • Next-generation model architectures.
      • Integration of multimodal data.
      • Broader applications and ethical implications.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 14: Applied Best Practices
      • Introduction to Designing, Deploying, and Managing Large Language Models
      • Guidelines for designing your own language model.
      • Case studies on effective training and deployment.
      • Tips on monitoring, maintaining, and updating models.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Appendices
      • Introduction to Language Modeling Essentials and Resources
      • Glossary of key terms in language modeling.
      • Additional resources: articles, websites, courses.
      • List of open-source tools and datasets.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • References
      • Chapter Introduction: “Understanding Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Guide”
      • Chapter Introduction: “Navigating AI Resources: A Guide to Online Materials and Documentation”
      • Academic papers.
      • Online resources and official documentation for tools and frameworks.
      • Relevant books and articles.
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Index
      • Introduction to Large Language Models
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading

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