Dependency Injection In Delphi (Dependency Injection in Delphi)
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Dependency Injection In Delphi

About the Book

This book covers Dependency Injection from A to Z.  In it you'll learn about Constructor Injection, Property Injection, and Method Injection.  You'll learn about the right and wrong way to use the Dependency Injection Container.

This is the Chapter List:

  • What is Dependency Injection
  • Benefits of Dependency Injection
  • Constructor Injection
  • Property Injection
  • Method Injection
  • Using the Container
  • A Simple Migration Example
  • Advanced Uses of the Container
  • Dependency Injection Anti-patterns
  • A Full, Useful Example
  • Final Thoughts

About the Author

Nick Hodges
Nick Hodges

Nick Hodges is a Software Development Manager at Gateway Ticketing Systems. He has been a part of the Delphi community from the very beginning. He is an original Delphi 1 beta tester, a former member of TeamB, an Advisory Board member for the annual Borland Conference, a frequent conference speaker, a blogger, and author of numerous articles on a wide range of Delphi topics. 


Nick has a BA in Classical Languages from Carleton College and an MS in Information Technology Management from the Naval Postgraduate School. In his career he has been a busboy, a cook, a caddie, a telemarketer (for which he apologizes), an Office Manager, a high school teacher, a Naval Intelligence officer, a software developer, a product manager, and a software development manager. Also, he is a former Delphi Product Manager and Delphi R&D Team Manager. He's a passionate Minnesota sports fan -- especially the Timberwolves -- as he grew up and went to college in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. He currently lives in Gilbertsville, PA. 

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • What is Dependency Injection?
    • Introduction
    • So What Exactly is Dependency Injection?
    • What to Do?
    • Basic Principles to Follow
    • Conclusion
  • Benefits of Dependency Injection
  • A Closer Look at Coupling: Connascence
    • Introduction
    • Connascence
    • Qualities of Connascence
    • Levels of Connascence
    • What to Do About Connascence?
    • Conclusion
  • Constructor Injection
    • Constructor Injection
    • Never Accept nil
    • When to Use Constructor Injection
  • Property Injection
  • Method Injection
  • The Dependency Injection Container
    • What is a Dependency Injection Container?
    • What is the Container?
    • Why is a Container Needed?
    • Where to Use the Container
    • When to Use the Container
    • Capabilities and Functionality
    • Conclusion
  • A Step-by-Step Example
    • The Beginning
    • Introducing Constructor Injection
    • Coding to an Interface
    • Enter the Container
    • Conclusion
  • Advanced Container Use
    • Multiple Implementations at Runtime
    • Lazy Initialization
    • Registering Factories
    • Registering Primitive Parameters
    • Attributes
    • Conclusion
  • Dependency Injection Anti-Patterns
    • Service Locator
    • Field Injection
    • Constructor Over-Injection
    • VCL Components in the Container
    • Multiple Constructors
    • Mixing the Container in with Your Code
    • Conclusion
  • A Simple, Useful, and Complete Example
    • Introduction
    • Interfaces
    • The File Displayer
    • Building Displayers
    • Tying It All Together
    • Connecting to the User Interface
    • Ways to Improve This Application
    • Conclusions
  • Final Thoughts

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