Deno - A Complete Guide to Programming With Deno
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Deno - A Complete Guide to Programming With Deno

Software development with Deno

About the Book

Deno book was designed to be a complete guide to web development and programming with Deno.

You'll start with the basics and gain knowledge about how Deno works behind the scene. You'll create projects and learn by doing. You'll be working on a project and learn to implement Deno with other technologies.

This book is a Lean book. That means you will get updates. And more importantly, you can participate and ask questions.

Please send me an email. All your comments and suggestions are super valuable and can help me write a better book.

Once the book is in the final draft, I will create a Udemy course from the book.


About the Author

Jana Bergant
Jana Bergant

Jana Bergant is a full-stack developer. She's traveled the path of self-taught web development for 20 years.

She's an active consultant to numerous customers throughout the world.

Last few years, she has been creating online courses covering Javascript, Jekyll, and chatbots.

She has over 21K students all over the world.

She's a freelancer working from home for clients that are all over the world. Technologies she uses lately: node.js, React, Angular, MongoDb,

Postgres, Google cloud services, and more. She is naturally curious

and loves to be creative.

Table of Contents

  • Deno Introduction
    • What is Deno
    • Deno Features
    • Deno vs Node.js
  • Deno installation and First Steps
    • Deno installation
    • First Program in Deno
    • Setting the Environment
    • Set up a Server With Deno
    • Get Access to Environment Variables With Deno
  • Deno Architecture
    • Deno Sandbox
    • Deno Commands
    • Deno Standard Library
    • Browser Compatible API
    • Deno Third-Party Modules
    • Deno Module Versioning
    • Deno Code Examples
  • Deno Tools
    • Bundling
    • Testing
    • Script Installation
    • Formatting
    • Debugging
    • Linting
  • Automate Deno Compile and Run the Process With Denon
  • Work with files in Deno
  • Deno Web Frameworks
    • Is there an Express/Hapi/Koa/* for Deno?
    • OAK
  • Create REST API With Deno
  • Agile Approach
    • Is the Agile approach best for all projects?
    • Characteristics of an Agile Approach
    • Agile environment
    • User Stories in Agile development
    • User Story benefits
    • Epics and stories
    • Plan of our work
  • First project
  • API design
    • API Design Principles
    • Handling Errors and Error Codes
  • API Implementation With Deno
    • Create an App Using an Oak Framework
    • Data for the API
    • Code Refactor - MVC pattern
    • Controller
    • Model and Data
    • Next steps
  • Databases
    • NoSQL vs SQL database
    • Questions to ask yourself when choosing a solution
    • The answer to our app
  • Deno With MongoDB
    • Deno MongoDB Driver
    • The Initial State of the API App
    • Steps for Implementing MongoDB
    • Validate Request Data
    • Where It Does Not Work Anymore?
    • Final Thoughts
  • Deno with PostgresQl
    • Requirements
    • Setup PostgresQL
    • Database class
    • Validate data
    • Format response
    • Pagination
  • Frontend for reading the articles
    • Vue vs. React vs. Angular
    • Is “More” Automatically “Better”?
  • Angular development
    • Create basic client app
    • Create the components
    • Styling the UI with Angular Material
    • Add Angular routing to the app
    • Consuming the JSON REST API with Angular HttpClient
  • Chat app
    • Technology stack
    • Chat server
    • Chat module
    • Chat client
    • Simple login
  • Interpret Emotions in a Text
    • What is Sentiment Analysis?
    • How to implement Sentiment Analysis?
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Azure Text Analytics
    • Watson Tone Analyzer
    • Result
  • Sentiment Analysis Implementation
    • Watson Tone Analyser API call
    • Show sentiment in the interface
    • Chat design

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