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Sobre o Livro
DelphiMVCFramework é um framework sólido e comprovado para construir soluções web. Se você alguma vez pensou em construir um sistema distribuído, DelphiMVCFramework é uma das melhores escolhas que você poderia fazer.
Sobre o Autor
Daniele Teti is a software architect, trainer, books author and consultant with over 20 years of experience. Daniele is a well-known Delphi and programming expert in the developer community and is a regular speaker for italian and international conferences. Daniele is the author of the best-selling "Delphi Cookbook" books serie published by PacktPub. He's the main developer and drives the development of the most popular Delphi open source project on github: DelphiMVCFramework. Among DelphiMVCFramework Daniele is the lead developer for other well know OS projects like ColumbusEgg4Delphi, DelphiREDISClient, DelphiSTOMPClient and many others. He is also a huge fan of design patterns, machine learning and AI. Daniele is the CEO of bit Time Professionals, an Italian company specializing in high-level consultancy, training, development and machine learning systems.