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Leverage the power of REST and JSON-RPC using the most popular framework for Delphi

About the Book

DelphiMVCFramework is a solid and proven framework to build websolutions. If you ever think to build a distributed system, DelphiMVCFramework is one of the best choice you could do.

About the Author


Daniele Teti is a software architect, trainer, books author and consultant with over 20 years of experience. Daniele is a well-known Delphi and programming expert in the developer community and is a regular speaker for italian and international conferences. Daniele is the author of the best-selling "Delphi Cookbook" books serie published by PacktPub. He's the main developer and drives the development of the most popular Delphi open source project on github: DelphiMVCFramework. Among DelphiMVCFramework Daniele is the lead developer for other well know OS projects like ColumbusEgg4Delphi, DelphiREDISClient, DelphiSTOMPClient and many others. He is also a huge fan of design patterns, machine learning and AI. Daniele is the CEO of bit Time Professionals, an Italian company specializing in high-level consultancy, training, development and machine learning systems.

About the Contributors

Alessio Festuccia
Alessio Festuccia

bit Time Professional Software Developer

Marco Cotroneo
Marco Cotroneo

bit Time Professionals Senior Software Developer

Nirav Kaku
Nirav Kaku

CEO at VEditIndia and Embarcadero MVP

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Reviewers
  • Collaborators
  • Translations
  • What users say about DMVCFramework
  • Fetching This Book’s Code
  • Using This Book’s Code
  • Book Release Notes
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with DelphiMVCFramework
    • What you’ll learn
    • DMVCFramework is “batteries included”
    • Installation of DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.1-carbon
    • Your first RESTful server with DelphiMVCFramework
    • Your first DMVCFramework-style “Hello World”
    • Built-in System Actions
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 2: Controllers and routing
    • The Router
    • MVCPath attribute
    • Handling Parameters
    • Query-String parameters
    • URL mapped parameters
    • Multiple Paths for a Single Action
    • More about URL Mapped parameters
    • Strongly Typed Actions
    • MVCHTTPMethod attribute
    • MVCProduces attribute
    • MVCConsumes attribute
    • MVCDoc attribute
    • Action Filters
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 3: Renders
    • What you’ll learn
    • The Rendering Phase
    • Rendering Data Must be Simple!
    • Rendering Objects and List of Objects
    • Customize Objects Serialization
    • Rendering TStream descendants
    • Rendering Nested Objects
    • Serializing TDataset descendants
    • Rendering Dictionaries
    • Rendering images, pdf and other binary contents
    • Rendering Exceptions
    • Rendering Custom Data Structures
    • Support HATEOAS in your APIs
    • Deserialization
    • Deserialize Simple Objects
    • Deserializing List of Object
    • Deserializing Hierarchical Structures
    • The IMVCList Interface
    • Sending Binary Contents
    • Using multipart/form-data
    • Custom Type Serializers
    • Using custom serializer
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 4: Municipal Library System - The Database
    • What you’ll learn
    • The Municipal Library System
    • The Database
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 5: Municipal Library System - The APIs
    • What you’ll learn
    • APIs design Overview
    • Design an API for the Books Lending System
    • The actual APIs
    • What’s next
  • Chapter 6: Municipal Library System - Creating APIs using Datasets
    • What you’ll learn
    • The CRUD acronym
    • Implementing the API using datasets
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 7: Municipal Library System - Creating APIs with MVCActiveRecord
    • What you’ll learn
    • The ActiveRecord Design Pattern
    • ActiveRecord in MVCFramework a.k.a. MVCActiveRecord
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 8: Municipal Library System - Complete APIs with MVCActiveRecord
    • What you’ll learn
    • WebModule Configuration
    • Establish a Database Connection
    • TAuthorsController
    • TControllerBase
    • Handling pagination in TCustomersController.GetCustomers
    • Terminate a lending
    • Users management with TUsersController
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 9: Authentication & authorization
    • What you’ll learn
    • Authentication vs Authorization
    • The Authentication/Authorization Subsystem
    • Securing an API
    • HTTP Basic Authentication
    • JSON Web Token Authentication and Authorization
    • Accessing Logged User Information
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 10: Middlewares
    • What you’ll learn
    • What’s a middleware?
    • The IMVCMiddleware Interface
    • Built-In Middleware
    • CORS Middleware
    • Compression Middleware
    • Analytics Middleware
    • Trace Middleware
    • Static Files Middleware
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 11: Municipal Library System - Authentication and Authorization
    • What you’ll learn
    • How to choose an authentication schema
    • Defining a roles system
    • Create a Python client
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 12: JSON-RPC: why, when and how use it
    • What you’ll learn
    • JSON-RPC Overview
    • JSON-RPC 2.0 Requests
    • JSON-RPC 2.0 Notifications
    • Response Error Object
    • JSON-RPC vs REST
    • Publishing PODOs
    • The MVCInheritable Attribute
    • Inspecting the published methods
    • Defining Hooks
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 13: Document and test your REST API with the Swagger middleware
    • What you’ll learn
    • How to use
    • MVCSwagSummary attribute
    • MVCSwagAuthentication attribute
    • MVCSwagParam attribute
    • MVCSwagResponses attribute
    • MVCSwagJSONSchemaField attribute
    • MVCSwagIgnorePath attribute
    • Simple Swagger Tutorial
    • What’s Next
  • Chapter 14: Tips and Tricks
    • Tip #1: Redirecting users to a different URL only when are using browser
    • Tip #2: Don’t load system controllers
    • Tip #3: Remove X-Powered-By Header
    • Tip #4: Change or remove the Server Header
    • Tip #5: Testing API using Python
    • Tip #6: Storing users password
    • Tip #7: Use RQL for simple query

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