Decision Making Tips and Tricks
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Decision Making Tips and Tricks

About the Book

Stuck in analysis paralysis? Drowning in a sea of "maybes" and "should haves"? Decision-Making Tips and Tricks is your life raft.

This book will help you to stop fearing the unknown and turn uncertainty into your secret weapon with future-proof strategies.

Conquer fear like a boss: Don't let "analysis paralysis" hold you hostage. The author shows you how to silence the inner critic and take action with confidence.

Decision-Making Tips and Tricks isn't about fluffy platitudes. It's about taking control, owning your choices, and becoming the expert decision-maker you were always meant to be.

It is your strategic guide to clarity and confident action. No fluffy platitudes here – feel empowered with practical tools to navigate life's crossroads.

Beyond individual choices, the book advises on effective collaboration in collective decision-making. Discover communication strategies that foster open dialogue, encourage active participation, and lead to collaborative solutions. 

About the Author

Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • Don’t Be Result-Oriented
    • Hindsight Bias and Attribution Errors
    • Expected Value
    • Risk of Ruin
    • Nicolausian Discounting
    • Cynefin Framework
    • Make the Problem Visible
    • Data-Driven Approach
    • Gut Feeling
    • Consent over Consensus
    • Good Enough for Now, Safe Enough to Try
    • Thank god for hard problems. Nobody needs you to solve easy ones.
    • Scientific Method
    • Vision
    • Objective and Commander’s Intent
    • What Are You Optimising For?
    • What are the Priorities?
    • Actions, Ambitions, Aspirations
    • Should Mean No
    • How Might We…?
    • Change “I Don’t Know” to “I Don’t Know Yet”
    • “I have no good ideas”
    • Quitting vs Persevering
    • Sunk Cost Fallacy
    • Confirmation Bias
    • What would ‘X’ do?
    • What is the smallest thing you can do to move forward?
    • Pick your Problems
    • There are no Solutions, only Trade-Offs
    • Move from How Much to How Little Thinking
    • Confidence is Dangerous
    • Uncertainty is the Normal State
    • Embrace Uncertainty
    • Reduce Uncertainty
    • Beginner’s Mind
    • Don’t be the Smartest Person in the Room
    • Don’t Judge People by Their Mistakes
    • Strive to Avoid Stupidity Instead of Seeking Brilliance
    • Error Correction
    • Will this Matter?
    • Making Choices is Easy
    • Detach
    • Fear
    • Embarrassment
    • Assess your emotional state before making a decision
    • Be Intentional
    • Momentum
    • Delegate Decisions
    • Who’s the Decision Maker?
    • Regret Minimisation
    • What Would it Take to Change Your Mind?
    • Question your Assumptions
    • Principal Agent Problem
    • Delay Decision to the Last Responsible Moment
    • Two-Way Doors

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