Introduction to Data Engineering
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Introduction to Data Engineering

Learn the skills needed to break into Data Engineering.

About the Book

This is a book about the basic theories around data engineering. It's not about writing code in a particular language, it's about the concepts that you can use to learn and thrive as a data engineer.

About the Author

Daniel Beach
Daniel Beach

Daniel Beach is a data engineer who has been building high throughput, large, scalable data pipelines for data warehousing and machine learning system for years.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Knowledge and Experience
    • What are the topics we will cover?
  • Chapter 1 - The Theory.
    • What Is a Data Pipeline?
    • Data Pipelines built with Passion and Creativity
    • Storage and File Types
    • Access
    • Repeatable
    • Resilient
    • Scalable
    • In Summary
  • Chapter 2 - Data Pipeline Basics
    • Project Structure
    • Data Pipeline Code Structure
    • Code Readability and Organization
    • Tests.
    • Documentation
    • Containerzation
    • Architecture First
    • Review
  • Chapter 3 - Pipeline Architecture
    • Architecture Applied to Data
    • Data Size and Velocity
    • Calculating Compute Requirements
    • Calculating Storage Requirements
    • Understanding the End Result
    • Understanding Cost
    • Code Architecture
    • Batch vs Streaming Architecture
    • Puzzle Pieces
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4 - Storage
    • Access Patterns
    • SQL/NoSQL Databases vs Files.
    • File Types
    • Row vs Columnar Storage.
    • Common file types in data engineering.
    • Parquet.
    • Avro.
    • Orc.
    • CSV / Flat-file.
    • JSON
    • Compression.
    • Storage location.
    • Partitions.
  • Chapter 5 - Compute and Resources
    • Overview
    • RAM/Memory
    • CPU/Cores
    • Storage
    • Cluster/Nodes
  • Chapter 6 - Mastering SQL
    • Introduction To SQL
    • Does the type of database matter?
    • The fundamentals of SQL/Databases.
    • OLTP vs. OLAP
    • Table design/layout.
    • Table Design in Real Life.
    • Understanding Indexing Basics.
    • How to write fast/tune queries.
    • Where to look for common problems.
    • SQL Fundementals
    • Python + SQL
    • SQL Summary
  • Chapter 7 - Data Warehousing / Data Lakes
    • Data Warehouse vs Data Lake vs Lake House
    • Data Modeling in Data Warehouses, Data Lakes, and Lake Houses.
    • Facts and Dimensions.
    • Constraints and Schema.
    • Data Types.
    • Column Names.
    • The Role of ID’s in a Data Warehouses or Data Lake.
    • CDC / History Tracking.
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8 - Data Modeling
    • Data Types and Schema.
    • Data Types.
    • Example
    • Data Size.
    • Constraints.
    • Data Definitions.
    • Modeling Data Logically.
    • Logical data models lead to physical relationships.
    • Grain of Data.
    • Uniqueness of Data.
    • Access Patterns.
    • Example
    • Talking to the Business.
    • Normal Forms.
    • De-Duplication of Data.
    • Join Integrity.
    • Keys - Primary and Foreign.
    • The Idea Behind Keys.
    • Relational Databases (SQL) vs Data Lake (File Based) Modeling.
    • The number of Fact tables and Dimensions and normalization.
    • File size and table size matter in the new File-Based Data Lakes.
    • Partitions vs Indexes.
    • Walking the data model line between old and new.
  • Chapter 9 - Data Quality
    • What is Data Quality.
    • Reasoning about data.
    • Double meanings.
    • Data value quality.
    • Measures of Data Quality.
    • Correct Header or Column Names.
    • Correct File Formatting.
    • Correct data types.
    • Values ranges and values integrity.
    • Data Quality Applied
  • Chapter 10 - DevOps for Data Engineers
    • DevOps applied to Data Engineering
    • Dockerfiles and Docker-compose.
    • Unit Testing.
    • CI/CD.
    • Automation is the name of the game.
    • CI for Data Engineering
  • Conclusion

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