Data Analysis with Python (Book + Datasets)
Data Analysis with Python
Learning by Coding
About the Book
This book is the bomb.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
- How to use this book
Installing iPython Notebook
- What is iPython notebook?
- What is Anaconda?
- Getting Started
- Getting the datasets for the workbook’s exercises
2. Getting Data into and out of Python
- Loading Data from CSV Files
- Saving Data to CSV
- Loading Data from Excel Files
- Saving Data to Excel Files
- Combining Data from Multiple Excel Files:
- Loading Data from SQL
- Saving Data to SQL
- Random Numbers and Creating Random Data
3. Preparing Data is Half the Battle
Cleaning Data
- Calculating and Removing Outliers
- Missing Data in Pandas Dataframes
- Filtering Inappropriate Values
- Finding Duplicate Rows
- Removing Punctuation from Column Contents
- Removing Whitespace from Column Contents
- Standardizing Dates
- Standardizing Text like SSN’s, Phone #’s and Zip Codes
Creating New Variables
- Binning Data
- Applying Function to Groups, Bins and Columns
- Ranking Rows of Data
- Create a Column Based on a Conditional
- Making New Columns Using Functions
- Converting String Categories to Numeric Variables
Organizing the Data
- Removing and Adding Columns
- Selecting Columns
- Change Column Name
- Setting Column Names to Lower Case
- Finding Matching Rows
- Filter Rows Based on Conditions:
- Selecting Rows Based on Conditions
- Random Sampling Dataframe
Cleaning Data
4. Finding the Meaning
- Computing aggregate statistics
- Computing Aggregate Statistics on Matching Rows
- Sorting Data
- Correlation
- Regression
- Regression without Intercept
- Basic Pivot Table
- Random Sampling Dataframe
- Selecting Pandas DataFrame Rows Based on Conditions
- Distribution Analysis
- Categorical Variable Analysis
- Time Series Analysis
5. Visualizing Data
- Data Quality Report
- Graph a Dataset - Line Plot
- Graph a Dataset - Bar Plot
- Graph a Dataset - Box Plot
- Graph a Dataset - Histogram
- Graph a Dataset - Pie Chart
- Graph a Dataset - Scatter Plot
- Plotting w/ Image
- Plotting Data on a Map with Basemap
- Plotting a Gantt Chart
- Setting ticks, labels & grids
- Adding legends & annotations
- Moving Spines to the Center
6. Practice Problems
- Pivot Exercise 1
- Pivot Exercise 2
- Pivot Exercise 2
Pivot Exercise 3
- Legend
- Regression Exercise 1
- Regression Exercise 2
- Regression Exercise 3
- Analysis Project
- Notes
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