Customizing and Extending SharePoint Online
Customizing and Extending SharePoint Online
Design tailor-made solutions with modern SharePoint features to meet your organization's unique needs
About the Book
Explore the robust functionalities of SharePoint that ensure your business processes remain flexible and scalable. With its custom development features, SharePoint presents abundant opportunities to meet evolving needs, deliver personalized experiences, and seamlessly integrate across platforms. If you’re looking for practical guidance on developing custom SharePoint solutions, Customizing and Extending SharePoint Online is your essential companion. This book takes you through the different techniques for customizing SharePoint, harnessing its native capabilities, and extending them across other platforms. You’ll begin by organizing content with SharePoint sites and learning best practices for permission governance before learning how to create and manage pages and use web parts to create, aggregate, and format content. This SharePoint book also covers specialized use cases of the Viva Suite and delves into SharePoint automation with Power Automate while extending solutions with Power Apps. Toward the end, you’ll get to grips with designing personalized solutions with SharePoint Framework and Microsoft Graph. By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to deliver highly customized SharePoint solutions that align with your business objectives.
Table of Contents
- SharePoint Online in a Nutshell
- Organize Content with SharePoint Sites
- Access Controls in SharePoint
- Lists and Libraries
- Describing Content with Site Columns and Content Types
- Creating Informative and Stunning Content with Modern SharePoint Pages
- Search in SharePoint
- Managed Metadata
- Understand Information with Microsoft Syntex
- Bring SharePoint Content to Teams with Viva Connections
- App Catalog and the SharePoint Store
- Automate SharePoint with Power Automate
- Extend SharePoint with Power Apps
- Site, List, and Document Templates
- Improving List Experiences with View Formatting
- Introduction to SharePoint Framework
- Access SharePoint Data using Microsoft Graph
- Web Parts and App Part Pages
- Extending User Experiences with SharePoint Framework Extensions
- Community Solutions for Extending SharePoint Online
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