Culture of Respect
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Culture of Respect

How to Find, Hire, and Retain Developers

About the Book

Them: We're Hiring!

Me: Big deal, who isn't?

There is a talent war going on in tech, everybody is hiring! These days developers have their pick of jobs, so why should they pick yours? If you say "because you pay more" then you've already lost. High salaries may get them in the door but it won't keep them in the long run, and it won't capure their hearts and minds, only their wallets. You need a strategy that will engage your developers, something that will make them want to make your projects a success. You need to do more than hire developers and call them a team. You have to build a "Culture of Respect".

This book is more than just a guide to help you find developers to hire. It is more than just a guide on how to set up an effective method of interviewing developers. This book teaches you the hard part, keeping them once you've hired them. It takes a lot of effort and money to find and hire developers these day, once you get them, you need to learn to hold on to them. 

"Culture of Respect" deals with why you want to invest the time and energy to build a team that developers want to be a part of. Once you understand why, you dive deep into how. 

  • How to find developers to hire
  • How to conduct the interview process
  • How to create an environment that encourages and nurtures developers, who in turn will create great products for the company

Creating a culture of respect is not easy. If it were, there would be no need for a book explaining it. It is a top-down midset change. It is a different way of thinking about managing teams. It is a daily battle against "the way it's always been done". Creating a Culture of Respect is hard, but the payoff is there. 

This book is written by a developer turned manager. It is for developers who are currently in the roles of Team Leads, Development Team Managers, Directors, and anyone who is responsible for hiring and managing developers.

Learn how to build your team

Learn how to care for your team

Learn how to build a culture of respect

About the Author

Cal Evans
Cal Evans

Many moons ago, at the tender age of 14, Cal touched his first computer. (We’re using the term “computer” loosely here, it was a TRS-80 Model 1) Since then his life has never been the same. He graduated from TRS-80s to Commodores and eventually to IBM PC’s.

For the past 17 years Cal has worked with PHP and MySQL on Linux, macOS, and Windows. He has built a variety of projects ranging in size from simple web pages to multi-million dollar web applications. When not banging his head on his monitor, attempting a blood sacrifice to get a particular piece of code working, he enjoys building and managing development teams using his widely imitated but never patented management style of “management by wandering around”.

These days, when not working with PHP, Cal can be found working on a variety of projects like Day Camp 4 Developers. He speaks at conferences around the world on topics ranging from technical talks to motivational talks for developers. If you happen to meet him at a conference, don’t be afraid to buy him a shot of Bourbon.

Cal is based in Nashville TN where he is happily married to wife 1.35, the lovely and talented Kathy. Together they have 2 wonderful kids who were both smart enough not to pursue a job in IT.

Table of Contents

  • Dedication
  • Foreword
  • Introduction - It’s All About Culture
  • Part One - Finding & Hiring Developers
  • Part Two - Building a Team
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix A - How to Write a Good Job Post
  • Appendix B - Good Job Boards
  • Appendix C - The Interview Process
  • NomadPHP

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