Cucumber & Cheese
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Cucumber & Cheese

A Testers Workshop

About the Book

A few years ago I set out to master Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD, also variously known as Behavior Driven Development or Storytesting). After trying several of the available tools I settled on Cucumber. For Web applications, I also used the most popular Ruby tool for page traversal and verification, WATIR.

As I started working with teams to implement this practice, I discovered that the ATDD community was writing more and more new Ruby gems to empower and simplify this kind of testing. I also found that some of the things I personally wanted to simplify were not supported by any existing Ruby gem, so like the crazed developer I am, I set out to build my own. To my surprise, others started using some of the gems I created and began asking a lot of questions about their usage.

This book is my attempt to share as much of my experience using Cucumber and Ruby as possible. I will cover many patterns, practices, tools, and (Yes) Ruby gems that make testing applications (particularly but not limited to Web applications) easier including a few of my own. I will also cover the proper way to structure and write your test automation code so that it is less brittle, simpler, better organized, more expressive, and therefore easier to change over the lifecycle of your application. My goal is to help you see and understand the benefits of ATDD and learn how to use Cucumber and Ruby to adopt (and help us refine!) this amazing practice.

This book is full of hands-on programming exercises and I strongly suggest you do them all. Even if you are not testing applications that are like the ones showcased in this book, the knowledge of how to write sound robust tests will transfer to whatever you have to test.

About the Author

Jeff Morgan
Jeff Morgan

Jeff “Cheezy” Morgan is Chief Technology Officer and a cofounder of Tango. He has been coaching teams on Agile and Lean techniques since 2004 with a focus on the Engineering practices. For the past several years he has experienced great success and recognition for his work focusing on helping teams adopt Acceptance Test Driven Development using Cucumber. He is the author of several popular Ruby gems used by software testers throughout the world. He regularly teaches ATDD with Cucumber classes and workshops.

Table of Contents

  • Change History
    • TODO
    • V13.0 - September 1, 2017
    • V12.0 - August 10, 2017
    • V11.0 - July 6, 2015
    • V10.0 - February 7, 2015
    • V9.0 - August 11, 2013
    • V8.0 - July 20, 2013
    • V7.0 - July 9, 2013
    • V6.0 - June 10, 2013
    • V5.0 - June 1, 2013
    • V4.0 - May 16, 2013
    • V3.1 - December 1, 2012
    • V3.0 - November 25, 2012
    • V2.0 - August 5, 2012
    • V1.1 - July 28, 2012
    • V1.0 - July 26, 2012 (Happy Birthday Kim)
  • Forward
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
    • Who is this book for
    • How this book is organized
    • Getting help
  • 1. Let’s get it started
    • What’s wrong with the way we test software?
    • What’s the Solution?
    • How do we do ATDD?
    • What should we automate?
  • 2. Getting ready to go
    • On the Windows platform
    • On the Mac OS X platform
    • On the Linux platform
    • For all Operating Systems
  • 3. Dipping our toes in the Watir
    • Our first script
    • Our test application
    • Getting started with puppies
    • Finding and interacting with HTML elements on a page
    • Adopting a puppy
    • Complete the script
    • Adopting two puppies
    • Removing duplication (D.R.Y.)
    • Reusable parts
    • Sharing methods with multiple scripts
    • Simple Watir Scripts
  • 4. Cucumber & Puppies
    • Our first Cucumber project
    • Writing a simple cuke
    • Adopting a puppy with cucumber
    • Adopting two puppies
    • Scenario Outlines
    • Background
    • Verify the shopping cart
    • Things change
    • Classes & Objects
    • A page object for our shopping cart
    • Setting Values on an Object
    • Checking out
    • Introducing the PageObject gem
    • Arrays & Hashes
    • Convert all pages to use page objects
    • Going to the Factory
    • Transforming a line item
    • One More Thing
  • 5. More Puppies
    • High level tests
    • Inline tables
    • Default data
    • Regular Expressions
    • Edits
    • Custom Matchers
    • Sending a Message
    • Reusable page panels
    • Blind Automation
    • The other side
    • The results please
    • Removing the duplicate navigation
    • Bare Essentials
    • Spec it out
    • Advanced Locators
  • 6. Using the database
    • Installing the puppy application on your computer
    • Adding the necessary gems
    • Getting ready for ActiveRecord
    • Convention over configuration
    • The puppy table structure
    • Inheritance
    • Our first database cuke
    • Default data
    • Keeping the Database Clean
    • Putting our factory to work for us
    • Verifying the delivery date
    • Should we test the design?
    • Gems for creating data in the database
    • Test Data Management (This is really important!)
  • 7. eXaMpLes of XML and Services
    • What is XML?
    • Reading and Validating XML
    • A Cuke that use XML
    • Building with Builder
    • Web Services
  • 8. Mobile me mobile you
    • Installing and configuring the necessary software
    • The test subject
    • Start with a new project
    • All of the puppies
    • Show me the details
    • Specifying Android applications with Cucumber
    • But we’re building iOS applications!
  • 9. Mocking Services
    • Service Virtualization
  • 10. Web 0.1 and 2.0
    • Web 0.1
    • Web 2.0
  • 11. Running your tests
    • Managing environment configuration
    • Creating a script to run our tests (Rakefiles)
    • Using tags to control test execution
    • Configuring Continuous Integration (CI)
    • Reporting the results
    • Strategies to make our tests run faster
    • Selecting different browsers without changing code
  • 12. Build your own Ruby gem
    • Creating a Ruby Gem Project
    • Creating our first test
    • Implementing the gem
    • Release the gem
  • Appendix A - Watir Quick Reference
    • A.1 Getting Started
    • A.2 Check Browser Contents
    • A.3 Access / Manipulate an Element
  • Appendix B - PageObject Quick Reference
    • B.1 Getting Started
    • B.2 Page Level Functionality
    • B.3 Frames and iFrames
    • B.4 Javascript Popups
    • B.5 Handling Ajax
    • B.6 Supported HTML Elements
  • Appendix C - RSpec Matchers
  • Appendix D - ActiveRecord Quick Reference
    • D.1 Mapping
    • D.2 Creating
    • D.3 Finding
    • D.4 Operating on ActiveRecord objects

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