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About the Book
CSS Flexbox gives you the tools to create basic and advanced website layouts in flexible and responsive ways.
This book (CSS Flexbox) uses beautiful images and live examples to discuss everything you need to know to use Flexbox like a pro.
Is this book beginner-friendly?
Absolutely. This book does not assume you have any prior knowledge of Flexbox.
You will start from scratch, using simple code snippets and easy-to-understand examples to learn everything you need to build responsive web pages.
Here are some of the topics covered:
- Flex container
- Flex items
- How to center elements with Flexbox
- Display: flex
- Flex-direction
- Flex-wrap
- Justify-content
- Align-items
- Align-content
- Align-self
- Order property
- Flex-grow
- Flex-shrink
- Flex-basis
About the Author
Why should learning to be a software developer be so hard and dull? CodeSweetly exists specifically to help out.
CodeSweetly helps you become a confident software developer by simplifying technical concepts so you can focus on coding sweetly.