C# Evolution
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C# Evolution

Exploring the New Features from C# 7.0 - 13.0

About the Book

Unlock the Future of C# Development with "C# Evolution"!

Take a deep dive into the transformative journey of C# with "C# Evolution," the ultimate guide that spans from C# 7.0 to C# 13.0. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a passionate learner, this comprehensive resource is designed to elevate your coding skills and keep you ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of C# programming.

Why "C# Evolution" is a Must-Have:

  • In-Depth Exploration: Understand the significant advancements and innovative features introduced in each C# version, from pattern matching and async streams to nullable reference types and default interface methods.
  • Practical Examples: Get hands-on with real-world code samples and projects that illustrate the practical applications of new language features.
  • Expert Insights: Benefit from expert commentary and insights that shed light on best practices, performance improvements, and design principles.
  • Future-Proof Your Skills: Stay updated with the latest trends and enhancements, ensuring your skills remain relevant and cutting-edge.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Access detailed explanations of key concepts, migration strategies, and the impact of new features on modern development practices.

Additional Resources:

  • GitHub Repository: Explore the complete source code on GitHub to see the evolution in action.
  • Official Microsoft Documentation: Direct links to the latest C# documentation on the Microsoft site for further reading and updates.

"C# Evolution" is more than just a book; it's your gateway to mastering the powerful features that make C# a leading programming language. Whether you're aiming to enhance your existing projects or embark on new ones, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools to succeed.

Don't just keep up with the evolution of C# – lead it. Purchase your copy of "C# Evolution" today and transform the way you code!

About the Author

Mike Gold
Mike Gold

I have been developing software for over 20 years and worked as a consultant in the banking, manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and military industries. I am a former Microsoft MVP and have a background in Electrical Engineering. I've contributed over 200 articles on .NET/C# technology and have lately been working fullstack with .NET Core and ReactJS

Table of Contents

    • Chapter 1: Intro
    • Chapter 2: C# 7.0 - Refining Everyday Scenarios
      • Out Variables and Their Impact on Code Readability
      • Pattern Matching Enhancements, Including is and switch Statements
      • Tuples and Deconstruction - Syntactical Sugar for Productivity
      • Introduction of Tuples in C# 7.0
      • Local Functions - Improving Encapsulation and Readability
      • Ref Returns and Locals - Optimizing Performance for High-Demand Applications
    • Chapter 3: C# 7.1 Improvements
      • Async Main Method - Simplifying Entry Points in Asynchronous Programming
      • Default Literal Expressions - Reducing Boilerplate Code
      • Inferred Tuple Element Names - Enhancing Code Clarity
    • Chapter 4: C# 7.2 Improvements
      • Span - Managing Memory More Efficiently
      • Ref readonly Returns and In Parameters - Optimizing Performance
      • in Parameters
      • Private Protected Access Modifier - Fine-tuning Encapsulation
    • Chapter 5: C# 7.3 Improvements
      • Enhanced Pattern Matching Capabilities
      • Performance Improvements in Out Variables
      • Support for Fixed-size Buffers on Additional Types
      • Improved Overload Resolution
      • Reassigning Ref Local Variables
    • Chapter 6: C# 8.0 - Embracing Modern Programming Paradigms
      • Nullable Reference Types - Addressing Nullability Issues
      • #nullable enable Directive
      • Asynchronous Streams with IAsyncEnumerable
      • Pattern Matching Enhancements: Switch Expressions, Property Patterns, Tuple Patterns, and Positional Patterns
      • using Declarations - Managing Resources More Efficiently
    • Chapter 7: C# 9.0 - Simplification and Records
      • Records - Immutable Reference Types for Value-based Equality
      • Init-only Properties - Making Object Initialization More Flexible
      • Top-level Statements - Simplifying Small Programs and Scripts
      • Pattern Matching Enhancements: Relational Patterns, Logical Patterns
      • Native Sized Integers for Performance-Critical Scenarios
    • Chapter 8: C# 10.0 - Further Refinements and Global Usings
      • Global Using Directives - Simplifying Project-wide Imports
      • File-Scoped Namespaces - Reducing Nesting and Improving Readability
      • Record Structs - Combining the Benefits of Records and Structs
      • Improved Lambda Expressions and Attributes on Lambda Expressions
      • Constant Interpolated Strings - Enhancing Performance in String Manipulations
    • Chapter 9: C# 11.0 - Focused on Safety and Clarity
      • List Patterns - Enhancing Pattern Matching with Collections
      • Required Properties - Ensuring Object Initialization Integrity
      • Raw String Literals - Simplifying the Representation of Strings
      • Improved Definite Assignment - Reducing Nullability Warnings
      • Async Method Builder Overriding - Customizing Task-Like Return Types
    • Chapter 10: C# 12.0 - The Latest Innovations
      • Primary Constructors
      • Collection Expressions
      • Ref Readonly Parameters
      • Default Lambda Parameters
      • Alias Any Type
      • Inline Arrays
      • Experimental Attribute
    • Chapter 11: New Features in C# 13.0
      • C# 13 Setup
      • Params Collections:
      • New Lock Type :
      • New Escape Sequence:
      • Method Group Natural Type Improvements:
      • Implicit Indexer Access in Object Initializers:

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