Creative Monday
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Creative Monday

How to turn off your critic and turn on your creativity

About the Book

You are creative. Do you love to make stuff? Are you making stuff? Do you love to write? Are you writing? Would you like to be making more? Writing more? Do you need an injection of courage to help you move forward in your creative journey?

This little book is full of stories and exercises and is based on a regular Monday morning workshop I've been running for the past three years. For a while I had been noticing friends who said they weren’t creative and it was patiently obvious, to me and others, that they were creative but they just didn’t know it. I thought I might be able to convince them if I just gathered them around my kitchen table and introduced them to a non-judgemental way of creating. It would be almost like kickstarting a rundown battery. I was really excited as I imagined whole worlds of creative ventures opening up for people who thought they weren’t good enough.

Now, through this book I want to convince you.


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About the Author

Mairead Hennessy
Mairead Hennessy

Mairead Hennessy began her working life as a computer programmer and in many ways she is still working as a programmer... with people instead of machines. Even back then she realised that the humans seemed to be running patterns which were not unlike computer programs. A computer program that produces unexpected or unwanted results can be rewritten with new code to produce the wanted results. Humans often produce unexpected or unwanted results, what if.... 

This led her to study Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and she knew she’d found a way to rewrite the programs - the human programs - and thereby change the results. These days Mairead is a Life Coach and she shares what she’s learned in both one-to-one and group environments. She has a passion for creativity and travel and combines both in blogging about travel.

You can find out more about Mairead at

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • What Is Creative Monday?
    • What was my problem?
    • My near death experience
    • My Leap of Faith
  • 1 My Creative Journey
    • The thing I love
    • The chance encounter
    • Work in Progress
    • Changing my Thinking
  • 2 Your Creative Journey
    • What’s your desire?
    • The Creative Journey Curriculum
    • You Are The Hero
    • Believe what you want!
  • 3 The Creative Monday Rules
    • Why Rules?
    • The 7 Creative Monday Rules
  • 4 Researching You
    • The Next Baby Step…
    • And Then the Next Baby Step…
  • 5 Starting Your Own Creative Monday
    • What You Need - Quick List
    • What You Need - With Stories
  • 6 Gathering a Support Team
    • Do you need a Virtual Team?
  • 7 Off You Go Now, Do Your Thing!
    • Desire
    • Courage
    • Time
    • Practice
    • Belief and Confidence
    • The Critic
    • Your Bliss
  • Appendix A
    • The Creative Monday Rules
  • Appendix B
    • The Directions
  • Appendix C
    • All the Quotes
  • Appendix D
    • The Book List
  • Appendix E

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