Coding for Visual Learners


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Coding for Visual Learners

Learning JavaScript with p5.js

About the Book

Coding For Visual Learners -

At this age and time that we live in, coding is simply invaluable. It has the power to uplift your career, your future prospects and even your intellectual capacity. Computation is driving one of the largest capital expansions in history and there has never been a better time to learn coding than now. 

Computation is driving one of the largest capital expansions in history and there has never been a better time to learn coding than now. 

This book teaches coding from scratch using the vastly popular programming language JavaScript. Using JavaScript and a programming library called p5.js, you will learn how to code in a highly engaging and visual manner.

The emphasis of this book will be primarily on learning programming using JavaScript and p5.js and secondarily in creating visuals. The main focus is to teach you how to program so that you can choose to pursue whatever field that you would like with your newly established skill set. The skills that you will acquire from this book are highly transferrable and could be used whatever you choose to build; whether web applications, programmable robots or generative art. This means that I will provide you with enough context so that you can build a strong foundation for programming. But I also won’t hinder our momentum with irrelevant technical or theoretical points. The aim is to build a strong but a minimum viable knowledge to get you running with coding. This is the book that I wished I had available when I was learning coding myself.

The aim is to build a strong but a minimum viable knowledge using engaging and visual examples to get you running with coding.

If you are an artist or a visual designer this book is perfect for you as you might find the examples we will be building to be directly relevant to your work. If not, this is still a great book for learning programming as the visual nature of the exercises will help you grasp the fundamentals of programming easier and let you build a strong foundation in a shorter amount of time.

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About the Author

Engin Arslan
Engin Arslan

Hi there! ? My name is Engin Arslan. I am a software developer based in Berlin. Before becoming a developer, I worked as a visual effects artist / technical director on films and TV shows, including Resident Evil 4, Tron, Mama, Pompeii, Vikings, and Strain. I received an Emmy Nomination and won a Canadian Screen Award for my Visual Effects work. During my time in VFX, I fell in love with Python and with programming in general. As a result, I have taught myself web development and changed careers to immerse myself completely in software development. Currently, I am working as a senior front-end developer at Shopify. I am also an author for a couple of online courses, such as 3D Graphics on the Web and Coding for Visual Learners on Linkedin Learning. I was a part-time professor at Seneca College in Toronto for 5 years, teaching programming to complete beginners. I have decided to write Awesome Coding since there aren't too many sources out there that teach programming in an engaging way.

Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • 01 - Introduction
    • Why Learn Coding?
    • Coding vs Programming
    • On HTML and CSS
    • Why Learn JavaScript?
    • Why Do We Have Different Languages?
    • Learning JavaScript with p5.js
    • About This Book
  • 02 - Getting Started
    • Using the p5.js Code Editor
    • Gentle Introduction to JavaScript
    • Getting Started With p5.js
    • More About Functions
    • Coordinates in p5.js
    • Summary
  • 03 - Colors in p5.js
    • Color Functions in p5.js
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 04 - Operators & Variables
    • Setup
    • Variables
    • Variables Continued
    • Predefined Variables in p5.js
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 05 - Conditional Statements and Comparison Operators
    • frame, frameRate, and frameCount
    • Conditionals
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 06 - More p5.js Variables
    • Intro
    • mouseIsPressed
    • mouseX & mouseY
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 07 - Loops
    • For Loop
    • Random and Noise Functions
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 08 - Functions
    • Creating Functions
    • Revisiting Setup & Draw Functions
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 09 - Objects
    • Introduction to Objects
    • Constructor Function
    • Summary
  • 10 - Arrays
    • Working with Arrays
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 11 - Events
    • Intro & mousePressed
    • keyPressed
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 12 - More on p5.js
    • Rotate & Translate
    • Push & Pop
    • Summary
    • Practice
  • 13 - Final Project
    • Let’s Build a Game!
    • Getting Started
    • User Interaction
    • Keeping the User Score
    • Final Code
    • Summary
  • 14 - Final Words and Where to Go Next?
    • Congratulations!
    • Where to Go Next?

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