Coding For Speed
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Coding For Speed

A Hacker's Guide to a Faster Web

About the Book

Build Fast Web Sites

Learn the proper page architecture to load your web pages as fast as possible. Learn why page speed is so important for SEO, eCommerce, and user experience. Learn the proper sequence for your external links to prevent interuption of page loading. Learn what image types are best for speed. Learn specific techniques to speed up Wordpress sites. Learn about a case study with dramatic speed improvement. Learn about a comprehensive case study with dramatic speed improvement. Learn the best and worst practices for your CSS stylesheets.  Learn the best and worst practices for your PHP pages.  Learn how to load your web fonts faster. Learn about more than 15 webmaster tools for speed, compression, CSS, images, and more. 

About the Author

Table of Contents

  • Important Information
    • Your free gift
  • The aggregation of marginal gains
    • Building for speed
    • Book layout
  • Why Page Speed Matters
    • Three speed limits
    • Fast = a better user experience
    • Mobile is the internet
    • How slow is the web?
    • If search matters, speed matters
    • Slow equals less revenue
  • How the web communicates
    • Some definitions
    • Under the hood of the web browser
    • The journey of a packet request
    • Caching for fun and profit
    • Font rendering
  • Major Actions for Speed
    • Cache
    • Use ETags
    • Avoid redirection
    • Minimize data transfer
    • Replace Apache with Nginx
    • Avoid iframes
    • Hardware matters
    • Images
  • Image Techniques
    • Keep the image, lose the stuff
    • File type overview
    • What’s out there?
    • Use png for art and jpg for photos
    • Use compression
    • Use cacheable components
    • Use progressive jpg
    • Replace images with CSS3 gradients
    • Use CSS sprites
    • Don’t store images in a database
    • Use preloading appropriately
    • Use lazyload_images
    • Avoid scaling images
    • Use base64 encoding
    • Don’t forget your SVG
  • Page Techniques
    • DOM Architecture
    • CSS techniques
    • JavaScript techniques
    • DOM techniques
    • Server techniques
  • Wordpress
    • Cache
    • Optimize images automatically
    • Keep the database tidy
    • LazyLoad images
    • Remove gravatar images
    • Eliminate bandwidth leaks
    • Deactivate unused plugins
    • Optimize the homepage
    • Remove unnecessary PHP functions
    • Wordpress optimization
  • A Wordpress case study
    • Moving my personal blog (wordpress)
    • First look
    • Step 1 - image size
    • Step 2 - homepage streamlining
    • Second Look
    • Step 3 - General cleanup
    • Third Look
    • Conclusion
    • Further improvement
  • Simplify your CSS
    • Remember the basics
    • General layout
    • User anchor elements
    • Group similar CSS
    • Use hex colors
    • Browser-specific styles
    • Validate your CSS
    • Compress your CSS
  • General PHP tips
    • Variables
    • Output
    • String Operations
    • Avoid Regex (in general)
    • Files
    • Logic and Iteration
  • Geeking out on TCP
    • Characteristics of a TCP connection
    • Optimizing TCP
    • Further Reading
  • Never stop learning
    • Web Performance Today
    • Mobilexweb
    • Zoompf web performance blog
  • Webmaster Tools
    • Speed
    • File Compression
    • CSS
    • Image Compression
    • Base64 Encoding
    • Validation
    • Minification
    • SVG Optimization
    • Sprites
    • Browser developer tools
    • Validation
    • Server Tools
    • Analytics
  • Free Gift
    • Blog

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