Practical End 2 End Testing with CodeceptJS
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Practical End 2 End Testing with CodeceptJS

A "hands on" approach on modern test automation for the web.

About the Book

Easily automate manual tests. Be guided how to write and run automated end 2 end tests in CI and in the cloud successfully. The book is written for developers with technical background, technical basics are not explained, the book focuses on the main topic: Modern end to end testing tests with CodeceptJS.

The book does not explain WHY to use CodeceptJS nor its fundamentals.

About the Author

Paul Vincent Beigang
Paul Vincent Beigang

I love test automation

Reader Testimonials

Wayne M.
Wayne M.

I thought the sections on Installation and interfacing with BrowserStack and Allure were brilliant and I was able to implement those concepts at my job right away.

Thanh N.
Thanh N.

Paul really contributes to the CodeceptJS community and helps out where he can. With his book you make sure to start with CodeceptJS the right way.

davert (CodeceptJS Creator)
davert (CodeceptJS Creator)

Not just a book! This is a path to successful test automation. It takes you from 0 tests to continuous testing on CI. Don't hesitate to step into this path! Thanks to CodeceptJS testing is not that hard as you expected.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Preparation for End 2 End Testing with CodeceptJS
    • 1.1 Application, Feature & Scenario under Test
    • 1.2 Node.js Setup
    • 1.3 Java Setup
    • 1.4 Google Chrome
  • 2. Setup CodeceptJS with WebdriverIO
  • 3. Create Your First CodeceptJS Test Scenario
    • 3.1 Scenario Description
    • 3.2 Test Commands
  • 4. Run Your First CodeceptJS Test Locally
    • 4.1 Start Selenium Server
    • 4.2 Run the Test
  • 5. Run a Scenario on BrowserStack with the Safari Browser
    • 5.1 Sign Up for a Free BrowserStack Account
    • 5.2 Get BrowserStack Automate Credentials
    • 5.4 Run Scenarios on BrowserStack
    • 5.5 Install CodeceptJS BrowserStack Helper
    • 5.7 Switch Configs Based on Local or BrowserStack Execution
  • 6. Don´t Repeat Yourself - Page Object Refactoring
    • 6.1 Page Objects in CodeceptJS - Creation & Inclusion
    • 6.2 Adding A Page Object Field
    • 6.3 Page Object Usage
    • 6.4 Page Object Methods
  • 7. How to Debug & Fix a Failing E2E Test
    • 7.1 Debug Failing Safari Test Run - Ask the Right Questions
    • 7.2 What does the error message really say?
    • 7.3 What is the context of the error? Which exact steps led to the error?
    • 7.4 Debug with the Video Recording on BrowserStack
    • 7.5 Try to Reproduce the Failure Locally
    • 7.6 Use CodeceptJS “pause()” to Start an Interactive Shell Session
    • 7.7.1 Verify the Failing Locator Locally
    • 7.7.2 Simulate “wait” with “pause()”
    • 7.8 Try to factor out timing issues
    • 7.9 Use Detailed WebdriverIO´s Log Level
    • 7.9 More Tipps on Fixing Test Failures
  • 8. Run a CodeceptJS Scenario in GitLab´s Continuous Integration (CI) Environment
    • 8.1 GitLab CI & Git Repo Setup
    • 8.2 Setup CI Chrome Scenario Run
    • 8.3 GitLab CI Artifacts
  • 9. Delicious Test Reports With Allure
  • 10. Parallel Execution
  • 11. Bonus Chapter: Quick Tipps & Shortcuts
    • Switch Between Local Test Run and Browserstack Test Run Locally
    • Utilize BrowserStacks Raw Selenium Logs
    • Use Visual Studio Code With Node.js Debugger to Dive Into The CodeceptJS Framework
    • Use PhpStorm With Node.js Debugger to Dive Into The CodeceptJS Framework
    • The Best Way to Get Help

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